Shared News
Keeping Everybody Informed
Shared News
Keeping Everybody Informed
Annual General Meeting
Date: Wednesday 23rd October
Time: 5.30pm
Location: 24 Karat Café
All members of our Community are invited & encouraged to attend; as all executive & committee positions will vacated for re-election.
We look forward to seeing you there. Any questions please contact Wedderburn Development Association, Secretary (Kylie Turnbull)
Our Aim
The main purpose of the WDA is to liaise between the community and the shire so as to produce a community plan for proposed town improvements based on suggestions from the community. Then to follow through & implement those suggested improvements where practical; as well as by advocating, supporting & providing funds to projects for the betterment of the Wedderburn township & its community members.
About Us
The Wedderburn Development Association began in 2002 when a group of like-minded residents saw a need for a full-time nurse in Wedderburn. The group worked tirelessly to achieve this goal, which ultimately didn't eventuate.Shortly afterwards the Loddon Shire Council commenced community planning, and with the assistance of a local community group, drew up a set of strategic plans to formulate a vision for both the short term and long term development of the towns facilities.The Wedderburn residents that assisted in developing the Wedderburn Community Plan also represented the Wedderburn Development Association and in order to improve efficiency, the two groups decided to amalgamate.To this day the Wedderburn Development Association remains active and meets bi-monthly to monitor the progress of the 2015-2025 Community Plan, as well as to provide a continued advocacy role on behalf of the Wedderburn community along with the Loddon Shire Council.The Wedderburn Development Association encourages new members to come along and participate in what we do to help make Wedderburn a better place to live. The association consists of a four person executive committee along with a group of volunteer members, meeting bi-monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 5.30pm at the 24 Karat Cafe, commencing the new year in February. The meetings are ‘open’ and all community members are welcome to come along & attend & get involved.
A Membership fee is $10 per year, which all residents are invited to join.
A list of completed projects that the WDA have advocated and gifted towards (but not limited to) include
In our immediate future, our primary focus is on developing our next Wedderburn Community Plan through consultation with our community members.
Keep an eye out where & how you can participate in this survey in the near future. We look forward to your ideas & suggestions for the betterment of the community where you live.