Classroom Reports

F/1A - Foundation and Year 1A
This week we finished our topic on Fractions. We had to apply our understanding of a fair share in the Fairy Bread Café. Having to cut one whole slice of bread between 2, 4, and 8 children provided lots of opportunities to discuss what happens to the size of the slice as the number of children increases. We also discovered a half is the same as 2 quarters. We have investigated lots of different ways to fold circles and squares to make fractions. This week, we also applied our understanding of 3D objects to create houses with cylinders, rectangular and triangular prisms.
It’s also wonderful to see children apply the skills and knowledge they learn in our Huddle lessons, to welcoming a new student in our class. Welcome Willow and family to our school.
In Inquiry, we made our own instruments to test the force of the wind. We found some very windy spots in the school!!
That is only a fraction of what we have been busy learning. I think we all deserve a nice break! Enjoy the school holidays with your family.
Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher
F/1B - Foundation and Year 1B
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher
Year 4,5 & 6
We have lots of happy campers and are having a great time at Cottege by the Sea with lots of really great activities. The highlights so far are boogie boarding and exploring the area. Stay tuned for more next term!
Miss Eilish and Mrs Turnbull, Classroom Teachers
Year 10
A great term is coming to a close for our Year 10 students. This week we welcomed a new student, Aaron Smith, and it has been excellent to see our students help him settle in.
It was also fantastic to hear, during our weekly check in, so many students say that they've had a good end to the term and that they're in high spirits. Maybe it's just the more frequent sunshine but it was pleasing to hear.
In Huddle this week, students were challenged to create a character costume out of newspaper. They worked in teams, raced the clock, and produced some magnificent, creative costumes.
'The Arrestables' came in first place (staff judgement) with their Batman costume
'The Spidermans' were second with a spitting image of Shrek
'Dakota and the Dinosaurs' were third with Elsa from Frozen (complete with Olaf and snowflakes)
'The Brown Rounds' were last but not least with a creative effort with their Wonder Woman
This leaves 'the Arrestables' slightly ahead of 'the Spidermans' for the termly prize, which will be finalised on Friday.
Well done to all!
Mr Iser and Miss Milne, Year 10 Homeroom Teachers
Year 11 & 12
VCE Report:
Welcome to Week 10 of Term 3. Our next newsletter article will be for the beginning of Term 4 and it’s almost hard to believe that the end of the academic year for our senior students is almost upon us. We hope everyone has a safe and relaxing break, but make sure you use the time away to catch up and get notes together for upcoming exams.
Teachers will be emailing students at the moment with advice and extra work. Students are reminded to respond to teacher communication through email in a timely fashion. They are also reminded that if they know they are going to be away, they have to let their homeroom teacher and class teachers know. It is up to the students to find out what work has been missed.
Year 12 ‘holiday classes’:
Classes during the Term 3 holidays have historically taken place at Wedderburn College for a number of years and support our students to be best prepared for their SWOTVAC (revision week) and end of semester examinations. The timetable has been given out and emailed to each student. Please make sure you are punctual to each class. Your teacher is giving up their free time to ensure you are as prepared as possible for your exams.
Please ensure to speak with you class teacher if you think you may not make it to their class
End of year VCAA Examinations:
The official VCAA Examination period will begin on Tuesday October 29 with the VCE English exam and conclude on Tuesday November 19 with the German Exam.
All students have been provided with a hard copy of the examination timetable. A digital version is available to view from:
Celebration Day:
Celebration Day, Year 12 VCE last official day of classes, will be on Friday 18th October. A notice will be sent home early next term and the students will have a meeting with Mr Forrest and Mr Lockhart regarding expectations of the day.
Year 12 VM students will be participating in these celebrations, but are expected to be at school until Friday 1st November, unless they have satisfactorily completed their units of work.
Mrs Woodman and Mr Gretgrix, Homeroom Teachers
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Upcoming PE Dates – Term 4: 2024
- LMR Athletics – Thursday 10th October (Week 1 – Term 4)
Congratulations to Tyler Pearce and Jack Dierickx of Year 7 in qualifying for LMR Athletics Event to be held in Bendigo at the Flora Hill Athletic Track. Tyler will be competing in the 13-year-old boys triple jump and Jack will be competing in the 13-year-old boys discus. We wish both students well for this day!
- T20 Blast – Thursday 24th October (Week 3 – Term 4)
With cricket season just around the corner, our Grade 5 and 6 students will have the opportunity to compete in the T20 Blast Tournament, held in Charlton. This will be an enjoyable day where students will compete against other schools and practice some of the cricket skills being learnt in PE classes.
- Swimming Program (Week 10 – Term 4)
Looking toward the end of the year, an early reminder that students from Foundation to Year 8 will complete a 4-day swimming program in preparation for the upcoming summer. Swimming is a skill that could one day save a life, so it is important that we learn and practice our swimming and survival skills in and around the water. More details will be released about this closer to the date.
Mr Pettifer and Miss Milne, PE Teachers
Carlton College of Sport Excursion
Last Tuesday seven students ventured to Ikon Park which is home to the Carlton Football Club, where they host a program called Carlton College of Sport. While we were there, we learnt about forms of higher education in Diplomas of Sport Coaching and Development as well as Elite Sport Business. We also had a guided tour of their amazing facilities, which was very impressive.
We were very lucky to meet a Carlton Football legend Mr Anthony Koutoufides who is currently running for the position of Lord Mayor of Melbourne. Mr P was having a ‘major crush’ on Mr Koutoufides as he is his childhood hero.
Overall, we had an amazing day and learnt the benefits Carlton College of Sport had to offer. We would like to pay our deepest gratitude towards Robyn for organising such an amazing day and also Mr Pettifer for driving the bus.
Report Written by Tyson Blair
Australian Mathematics Competition and the Micro Mathematicians
Six weeks ago, 28 of our students competed in the Australian Mathematics Competition. The competition is open to all students in Australia and has been an annual event since 1978. Parents or Guardians may remember competing in the competition when they were at school. Most schools enter their brightest maths students. Therefore, our students were competing against the best and brightest across Australia.
Our college offfered the competition to students recommended by their classroom teachers. The competition involved 25 multiple choice questions and 5 numeral answer questions involving reasoning and problem solving that covered a range of mathematics topics.
Our students did very well for the first time competing in a number of years. Of particular, congratulations to Dylan Henry who achieved a Distinction, placing him in the top 20% of the brightest maths students in Australia.
The results by year level are as follows:
Name | Year | Achievement | |
Lucas | George | 3 | Participation |
Sofia | Caserta | 4 | Proficiency |
Mia | Collins | 4 | Proficiency |
Jye | Laverty-Smith | 4 | Proficiency |
Elizabeth | Marr | 4 | Credit |
Abraxas | Noordennen | 4 | Credit |
Ryder | Gault | 5 | Credit |
Zane | Polkinghorne | 5 | Proficiency |
Heath | Leach | 6 | Proficiency |
Maora | Pambudi | 6 | Participation |
Sully | Steel | 6 | Participation |
Brodie | Turnbull | 6 | Proficiency |
Will | Baldwin | 7 | Credit |
Blaz | Cramp | 7 | Credit |
Izayah | Edwards | 7 | Proficiency |
Flynn | Lonza | 7 | Credit |
Bastian | Noordennen | 7 | Credit |
Elvis | Ward | 7 | Proficiency |
Riley | Leach | 8 | Proficiency |
Violet | Stephenson | 8 | Credit |
Xander | Wilson | 8 | Proficiency |
Dylan | Henry | 9 | Distinction |
Aidan | Wingfield | 9 | Credit |
Chanelle | Badenhorst | 10 | Participation |
Tyson | Blair | 10 | Participation |
Dakota | Martin | 10 | Participation |
Mia | Rowan | 10 | Participation |
Noah | Winslett | 10 | Participation |
Lillian | Stephenson | 11 | Proficiency |
We also congratulate Violet Stephenson and Aidan Wingfield who were successful in gaining entry into the University of Melbourne Mico Mathematicians program. Selection to the program was from an application process. Violet and Aidan will be immersed in online workshops that will extend their knowledge of mathematics. They will also find out about careers in mathematics and enrich passion for the subject. We wish them well as they complete the program during the coming holidays.
Mr Fowles, Mathematics Teacher
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe and Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.