Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to week 2 of Term 4. Our planning for 2025 is well underway, but it is important that we keep our focus on the remainder of Term 4, we still have much to do. Staff will continue to focus on teaching and learning, student wellbeing and setting expectations for our students to set them up for a successful transition into their new year level for 2025.
Special Visitors
In the last week of Term 3 Jenny Atta, Secretary of the Department of Education, Alison Clark, Outer Gippsland Area Director and Natalie Nelson, Senior Education Improvement Leader visited our College. Our special visitors enjoyed a smoking ceremony and Welcome to Country performed by Keyanna and Logan. Our College Captains then had an opportunity to have a chat and present their journey and our current student leadership structure.
It was a great opportunity to show all that we have achieved in 2024, a very proud moment for our College Community.
Year 12 students
Our VCE VM students have finished all their work, and many left our College at the end of Term 3. We wish them all the best as they start the next chapter of their life and we look forward to seeing them when they return for Celebration Day next week and for those who have already started employment, at the graduation evening.
Our VCE students are on the home stretch using the last of their class time to study and revise, getting ready for exams when they start on Tuesday 29th October with English.
Year 12 students will have their annual Hat and Tie Day next Thursday 24th and we will have a whole school assembly to celebrate all that they have achieved.
We wish them the best of luck for the exams!
Transition for students into their 2025 year levels will start late November, early December please keep an eye on Compass for more details over the coming weeks.
Rural Youth Ambassador (RYA) program
Last night in Melbourne, Year 10 students Mackenzy and Alex attended the RYA graduation dinner. Earlier this year Mackenzy and Alex were welcomed to the program and learnt what it means to be an ambassador. Both students participated in a 3 day forum where they learnt about Youth Voice and Agency and how to make change.
Throughout the year Mackenzy and Alex have attended additional forums which included a Diversity Summit in Melbourne.
The program is a wonderful opportunity for our rural students to engage in a leadership ambassador program designed to specifically support the needs and outcomes required for rural students.
Congratulations to Mackenzy and Alex on your graduation. You have been great advocates for rural education and our community. Well done!
School for Student Leadership 2025
Congratulations to our Snowy Student Leadership Team for 2025; Tex, Trent, Sid, Lila, Bella and Angelina. After a process of submitting an application and participating in an interview these students have been successful and will attend the Snowy River campus in 2025 for the 8-week program. More details can be found in the Wurrin News - Year 8 page of this newsletter.
Tony Roberts