Cyber Safety/STEM

It has been a very busy term in Senior STEM and it’s been great to see students engaged in different experiments. All senior students have had the opportunity to be involved in a variety of experiments and they have learned the importance of following a procedure carefully.
Students have made predictions before testing things and some of us found it challenging when our results didn’t go quite as planned. But learning from our mistakes is an important part of being a scientist as well as a successful learner. It’s been amazing to see students question others results and whether or not a fair test has been conducted. At times we’ve re-created the same experiment under different conditions to see whether results may change.
Parents feel free to ask students what they may have enjoyed or remembered in STEM as well as what they learned when conducting an experiment. More recently Year 3 students have been looking at heat energy, cooking popcorn and measuring the temperature of things, Year 4 students have been learning about food production, where different foods come from as well as designing a mini irrigation system. Year 5 students have been learning about properties of gas and the viscosity of different liquids and Year 6 students have learned about changing matter and reversible and irreversible change.
Below are some pictures of students testing viscosity and some of the materials used by Year 6 students to see how a nail might rust and whether this is a reversible or irreversible change. As well as students from Year Four creating their irrigation systems.
We also wish some of our Year 5 students the best of luck next week in the Kids in Space Showcase in Melbourne and look forward to showcasing and sharing how it all went!