Mrs Ryan's Fortnightly Reflections

Thank you all for attending our amazing production last week! It truly showcased all the wonderful aspects of our school. The inclusion, diversity, talent, and courage displayed were a delight to experience and witness! With all of our Year 3–6 learners gracing the stage, a total of 350 children entertained us! Thank you to the staff who supported the learning and final production of our show, particularly Judy Stewart and Jordy Hay. These ladies, supported by all staff, did an incredible job leading us to a wonderful end product and a memorable experience for our learners. Thank you to all families who attended, helped with costumes, and provided general encouragement and support.
Last week, I attended my termly Principal Briefing with our Executive Director, Kate Fogarty, and the supporting CESL staff. During this meeting, we were introduced to the teaching and learning initiatives for our entire diocese over the next three years, called ‘Magnify.’ Magnify aims to establish a unified and equitable approach to supporting all schools and learners in Sandhurst. This initiative will enable our school to access evidence-based and internationally renowned educationalists and programs to improve learner outcomes and build teacher capacity. I will share a detailed letter with the community next week outlining this direction and informing our families about our professional learning schedule, which will impact our closure days in 2025. I will continue to keep our families informed over the coming term regarding the positive changes ahead.
Over the past few weeks, as a school, we have explored our NAPLAN 2024 data. This information has been analysed by staff and shared with our school advisory council. The strengths and challenges we have identified and actioned for improvement are noted in our learning and teaching page of this newsletter for your reference.
As you are all aware, our neighbouring commercial businesses will soon be opening. Last week, we received a visit from our Campaspe council, advising us that any cars observed parking, even with wheels on the newly grassed areas, will be ticketed. I understand we are challenged during pick-up and drop-off times, but please be mindful of this possibility.
This week, we have officially begun our recruitment for teaching and leadership contracts for 2025. These advertisements are now centrally hosted via CESL to ensure a more thorough and professional recruitment process. Please keep an eye out for these links and advertisements on our social media and share them with any educators you may know! I look forward to sharing an outline of our class plan with you all soon!
Take care and God bless,
Jasmine Ryan