
Annual Dinner
OVA Annual Dinner will be hosted on Friday 11 October, 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm start, at the New Town Bay Rowing Centre.
Cost: $60.00 pp includes two-course meal
Book now:
Numbers will need to be finalised by Saturday 5 October, so please book your table or ticket now.
St Virgil's College Graduation Mass
As you would be aware, 2024 is a significant year in the history of the college with the first full cohort of Kindergarten to Year 12, with our first Year 12 graduates in 30 years.
We are therefore developing new traditions to mark this important milestone for our students. On Wednesday 23 October, we will be holding our first Year 12 Graduation Mass in the Cathedral at 6.00 pm. We would like to invite you to attend this mass and to form a guard of honour at the conclusion of the Mass for the Year 12 students to walk through, to recognise those who have walked before and the contribution of men such as yourself.
If you can attend, please email Kim Mooney (Assistant Principal) at to RSVP by Monday 14 October. I look forward to hopefully meeting many OVA members at this very significant event in the history of St Virgil’s College.
Melbourne Reunion
The 2024 Melbourne Reunion will NOT go ahead due to insufficient numbers.
The Committee will review the situation and consider future options.
The 63rd OVA Golf Day will be held on Friday 8 November at the Royal Hobart Golf Club.
Entry details are provided later in this newsletter.
1984 Leavers Reunion
The following information was received from Dr Bernie McCartney: An SVC and SMC reunion for the class of '84' is planned for late 2024. To receive further information and to be placed on the contact list please email
1974 – Fifty Year Reunion Celebrate
Date: Saturday 19 October
Refer to the ‘flyer’ later in this newsletter for details/contacts.