
Learning Conversations
It was great to see so many people at our Learning Conversations sessions yesterday. It is wonderful to hear our students talk about their learning across different subjects, discussing things they are proud of and their next learning steps. Thank you for your support.
Welcome to Country
Last Friday we were lucky enough to be visited by Uncle Perry, a Wurundjeri elder. Our whole school was able to take part in a smoking ceremony before he conducted a Welcome to Country. This was a great way to celebrate Indigenous Literacy Day earlier in the week and to acknowledge the planting of our Indigenous Garden. Thanks to our parent group with their ongoing work with the garden, and who helped to make the Welcome to Country event happen.
5/6 Science Incursion
Last week the 5/6 classes had a Science Incursion - 'Chemistry Chaos' presented by Mad About Science.
They learnt about different types of chemical reactions, how to identify acids and bases and different laboratory techniques, scientific method and science vocabulary. Over the term the students have been looking at physical science and energy through building circuits and chemical science, using the scientific process to conduct experiments.
Iain Reed
Learning and Mathematics Leader