From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
The end of the term is quickly approaching. It it hard to believe how quickly time is moving. The last week has continued to be filled with exciting experiences and learning for our students.
Welcome to Country
Last Friday we were so lucky to experience a Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country conducted by Wurundjeri Elder, Uncle Perry Wandin. This is such a special ceremony to be part of and to have it conducted in our garden, with our traditional edible garden connection made it even more unique. This would not have been possible without the dedicated, hardworking garden team who sought grants for both the traditional plants and the ceremony. Special mention to Jo Sharkey, Sarah Nesbitt & the BPC garden team.
Learning Conversations
Thank you for your attendance at the Learning Conversations last night. It is always such a privilege to see and hear our students so confidently share their learning with you. We are very proud of them as we are sure you are.
One Night Only! - Save the Date
On Tuesday 29th October from 6:00pm- 8:00pm we will hold the premier of our ‘stop motion clips’ together with a display of the amazing art work of our students. We will share more information but make sure you save the date & time, all families are welcome!
Mission Fete - Change of Date
Please note the Mission Fete will now be held on Friday 8th November.
Accounts - Fees & Levies
Final instalments for school fees and levies are now overdue. Accounts were sent home last week and we ask that you settle these by Monday 16th September at the latest. If you are experiencing financial difficulties please make appointment to meet with me.
Thankyou to those families who were randomly selected to participate in the MACSSIS Survey process and have already completed the survey. If you were one of those selected, please complete the survey to provide valuable information to us.
End & Start of Term Dates
Term 3 finishes on Friday 20th September at 1:00pm and Term 4 begins on Monday 7th October. OSHC is available, bookings are essential.
'Something to Think About'
The significance of a Smoking Ceremony is explained in this short clip.