Scoresby Superstar Awards

Presented 7/2/25

River B. - 00M

This award goes to River for the calm, positive and happy way she has started her Foundation year. I look forward to working with and getting to know River during the term. Well done, River!

Rohan D. - 1/2F

This award goes to Rohan for the wonderful effort he shows every day. Not only has he had to learn new rules and routines of a classroom, but of a whole new school. We are so proud of you Rohan and love having you and your cheery smile in 1/2F! Keep up the amazing work.

William M. - 1/2W

This award is presented to William for his fantastic transition into Year 2! He has shown a strong commitment to the ‘Scoresby Super 10’ and consistently leads by example. William’s kindness, respect and positive attitude make him a valued member of our class. William, I am so proud and excited to be your teacher this year. We are incredibly lucky to have you in 1/2W. Keep up the wonderful work!

Laura D. - 3/4F

This award goes to Laura for settling well into her new class and routines. She has made a wonderful start to the term, making new friends and engaging with her learning. Keep up the great work, Laura!

Madison L. - 3/4F

This award goes to Maddy for settling well into her new class and routines. She has made a wonderful start to the term, making new friends and engaging with her learning. Keep up the great work, Maddy!

Enicka L. - 3/4H

This award is presented to Enicka for a fantastic start at her new school. We look forward to seeing her learn, grow and build wonderful friendships as part of the Scoresby Primary School community and 3/4H.

Beaux W. - 5/6B

The first Superstar award for the year goes to Beaux for following the 'Scoresby Super 10' perfectly and embracing the new school year with kindness, respectfulness and caring ‘Friendship Ninja’. Amazing start to the year Beaux, well done!

Noah G. - 5/6C

This award goes to Noah for participating in all class discussions, where he has shared many ideas as we set the expectations for a positive classroom environment for the year ahead. Thanks for a great start, Noah.

Amy R. - 5/6H

This award goes to Amy for your outstanding first week of school as a Year 6 student. You have demonstrated the 'Scoresby Super 10' perfectly this week and it's been amazing to see you be the best version of yourself with your new class. It’s been very exciting to see you make a great start to the year, so I cannot wait to see what you achieve from here! You rock, Amy! 

Oscar O. - Science

This award goes to Oscar for the fantastic suggestions he made about what we could investigate in Science this year, and the creative way he decorated his Science Journal. Keep up the enthusiasm Oscar!

Nick K. - Physical Education

This award goes to Nick for being a great team mate during PE this week. Nick encouraged his team during their game. He came up with strategy ideas and shared them with his team to help them be successful. Great work Nick!