Reflections on Faith 

From the desk of the Religious Education Coordinator - Miss McMeniman

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday 2025 begins the Lenten season. Lent is the time before Easter when Catholics prepare to commemorate Jesus’s Resurrection through prayer, penance, and fasting. This year, Ash Wednesday fell on Wednesday 5th March. Together, as a school, community we gathered in St. Patrick's Church due to the weather to commemorate this day. Thank you to Father Thaddeus, our parents and families and extended parish community for joining us. 




Today Caritas boxes have gone home with the youngest member in the family. Each year we support Caritas Australia and Project Compassion to raise funds for community development and emergency relief programs in partnership with marginalised communities around the world. The three feature countries this year are Vietnam, Samoa and Democratic Republic of the Congo. 


St Joseph's Day

Our next whole school Mass will be St. Joseph's Day on the 19th March. This will be held in the Church at 9:30am followed by the blessing of our new multipurpose court and Gaga pit. The day will also include whole school activities.