Student News


Mrs Redmond's Year 10 English students are pictured here, completing character exploration for Romeo and Juliet. They are looking forward to reading the play starting next week! 

House Swimming Sports

The weather was perfect, the fashions on the field were varied with some being quite spectacular, and the competition in the pool was gracefully fierce. The colour red for Feathertop, inspired Betty's crocodile attack themed outfit - amazing attention to detail. The VCE-VM students provided a perfectly cooked and profitable BBQ, and it was great to see students having fun. There were only 60 points the difference between 1st and 3rd place, with Bogong taking out the overall win!

Bogong for the win!
Bogong for the win!

Age Group winners

U13 - Sophie Bretherton-Lee and Mackinlay Taylor

U14 - Nina Fallon, Bianca Perri and Rowan Jones

U15 - Lexie Grayling and Jacob Cooper

U16 - Makayla Seymour

U17 - Evelyn Niedzwiedzki and William Rose

U20 - Shaye Power and Matthew Nyein