Resources from the Australian Government Department of Education 

The Australian Government Department of Education has published a new information resource on the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students with disabilities and their parents and caregivers. This resource was designed by and for young First Nations people with disability, with the help of First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDN) and Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA). 


The resource is titled Our right to learn and play and it can be found on the Australian Government Department’s website at


Accessible Word and PDF versions of the resource are available and an Auslan version is coming soon. 


A poster advertising the resource is also available for download at


The artwork Guwanyi wingara yirabana is our story. It means ‘learning journey’ in Dharug/Darug language. Designed by Trevor Eastwood from Dalmarri with our people, the artwork was made by many hands in a powerful gesture showcasing reconciliation in action.