F-2 Code Dress-Up Day

Code Dress-Up Day

Last Friday, the F-2 students had a fantastic day celebrating their learning with a fun "Dress Up as Your Favourite Code" day! After revising phonics codes, students dressed up as characters representing their favourite codes. Mrs Fox dressed up as a 'birthday girl' for the 'ir of first' code, Miss Whittington wore a dress with flowers for the code 'ow flowers grow' and Mrs Maguire dressed up as Tigger for the ‘t’ code! We all had such a fun day participating in many fun, hands-on activities practising and celebrating the codes.


The afternoon session was a particular highlight, where families were invited into our classrooms to see all the fun things we had been up to!



Kate Fox, Jordyn Whittington, Merran Maguire and Jarren Boyd