Student Health & Wellbeing News

Scoresby Primary School Has HEART!

Strongly underlying all the SPS Wellbeing Programs are our five school values:

Our Social Emotional Wellbeing program is based upon these values, and each of our expected behaviours is connected to one of these values. The values are proudly displayed in many areas around the school. 


HEART Token Award

Every Friday at Assembly, our HEART Captains will draw a winner of the SPS HEART Values Award.


Students and teachers are encouraged to identify students who have demonstrated one or more of our school values and to nominate them for the values award. Students and/or teachers complete the HEART Token slip which is then collected by the HEART Captains each week. The student/s whose name/s is drawn from the will take home a HEART Award certificate.


All students who receive a HEART token will then be able to vote for their favourite reward option. The option with the most votes at the end of the term will be the winner.  The options for this term are:

  • A whole school Zooper Dooper day

  •  A longer recess 

  • A movie afternoon

We are looking forward to seeing how it goes!