From Our School Leaders

Parents At Scoresby PS

Firstly, thank you to those people who have taken the time to complete the Scoresby PS Parent Survey.  Here is the link to paste into your search engine:


I will close the survey on Friday 7th March after school. One of the main reasons for the survey was to get some feedback about the school, and the LOTE program. If you have anything to offer, there’s still a bit of time.


There are many things parents can do to get involved in our school. We are always willing to have parents in our classrooms and school helping us. 


Classroom help

Parents can help in the classroom with learning activities - listening to  children read, helping with Rainbow Maths or writing, helping in the Art room or in other specialist areas. Please see your classroom teacher if you wish to help out in this way.  We do ask that you give us some warning so we can plan activities for you to be involved in.

  • A current Working With Children Check (WWCC) is required for ALL parent helpers in our school. 

  • Please also see the school leaders for an overview of the Parent Helpers Course (see below for extra dates and times).

Help your child at home

Reading at home is an excellent way to support your child and help their reading progress. Children who practise reading at home often make steady improvements in their reading goals and overall progress in their reading achievement. 


Every 2nd week, the classroom teachers send out their level newsletters. In this you will find the classroom learning for the following fortnight is laid out. You can support the classroom learning at home by incorporating school learning in your conversations. Being interested and inquisitive about what your children have done at school helps your child know that you value their learning.


Working bees

We organise working bees throughout the year, and parents are encouraged to come and complete projects around the school. They are usually held on the weekends, and we try to have one per term. 


Join a committee (PFA or School Council)

We are fortunate to have a very active Parents and Friends Association (PFA) and School Council. Being a member of one of these groups is a great way to meet local people and support your children and our school. 


Parents As Helpers Course

Due to the successful running of our Parents as Helpers Course on Thursday 27th February, we have decide to run two repeat sessions for any parents (or grandparents) who were unable to attend the initial session. The sessions will be:

  • Wednesday 12th March, 9.00 – 10.00am in the SPS Staffroom

  • Wednesday 12th March, 7.15 – 8.15pm online

Please RSVP to if you are interested in attending either of these sessions. 


The meeting link to the online meeting will be sent out closer to the date to those who have replied that they are attending.


Children’s University

This week we presented our new Children’s University participants with their Learning Passport.  As part of the Children’s University program, these students will have access to school holiday programs run at Swinburne University, access to an online portal with hundreds of learning opportunities across a range of interests and passions, and have the opportunity to celebrate their learning at a graduation ceremony at Swinburne University.  Congratulations to the following  students who have put their hand up to continue to expand their learning outside of the classroom:

- Hayden A.  - Year 4- Eason C. - Year 6- Cooper L. - Year 4
- Harmony C. - Year 6- Georgia H. - Year 6- Kanish M. - Year 4
- Christopher C. - Year 3- Rohith J. - Year 5- Lilly S. - Year 3
- Kirk W. - Year 3- Paravvir S. - Year 4- Naira S. - Year 3
- Violet V. - Year 3  


Open Night For Prospective 2026 Families 

Next Tuesday, 11th March, is our first Open Evening for prospective 2026 Foundation families from 6.00-7.00pm. We are getting our message out earlier this year. Please let neighbours, friends and family know that we are holding this evening. A flyer has been distributed to local kinders and childcare centres, and is on our Facebook page.


School Council

We have now officially called for nominations from parents to fill 6 parent vacancies on School Council for the 2025/2026 term.  The term of office is 2 years. Nomination forms are  available from the school office and can be emailed upon request.


If you are a DET employee as well as a parent at the school, please collect a separate Nomination form at the school office. Nominations close on Tuesday 11th March 2025 at 4.00pm. 


In order for School Council to be effective, we need parents who can commit themselves to a monthly 1- 2hour meeting, from 7.00pm – 8.30pm, usually held the last Thursday of the month.  Member absences from these meetings make the running of School Council difficult.  


We would love to see some new faces on School Council. It’s a great place to make a valuable contribution to your child’s education. Please contact school leaders, or the school office, if you have any queries.



We would like to officially welcome and congratulate Mr Jamie Purdon, who has successfully picked up the advertised teaching position in 5/6 for the remainder of the year. 


Jamie has made a strong connection with the school, students and the 5/6 team, and we are very pleased to have him on board.


Jamie worked at Scoresby PS as a replacement teacher last year, and he has also been involved in local sporting groups.


Welcome to Scoresby PS, Mr Purdon.


School Student Broadband Initiative: FREE nbn internet until June 2028!

We wanted to remind you about the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI). The SSBI is designed to boost education opportunities and narrow the digital divide. This Australian Government initiative is providing eligible families with school age children, with no internet at home, access to free nbn®. 


Please use the link below to find out all about the initiative, who is eligible to receive it, and how to get started if you are eligible.




Scoresby Primary School Leaders