Parents & Friends Association News

PFA Events In Term 1
Sausage Sizzle at Twilight Sports
The PFA will be holding a Sausage Sizzle during the Twilight Sports afternoon on Wednesday 19th March. Drinks and icy-poles will also be available. Come and see us in the Canteen space and buy a sausage in bread before the fun sports activities start at 4.00pm.
Easter Raffle
Our annual Easter Raffle will be held towards the end of the term. This is always a popular event, so keep an eye out for information about donations and raffle tickets via Compass, the Newsletter and with your child. The winners of the raffle will be anounced at the final whole-school assembly on Friday 4th April, 2.00pm.
Icypole Sales In Term 1
Icypole Day is every Thursday at the second break (2.00pm) for Term 1, unless otherwise advised.
Zooper Doopers.....50c
We are still looking for volunteers to help with the selling of icypoles. If you are able to help regularly, or even on a casual basis, please let the office staff know, or email Kristy at
Next Meeting
The next PFA meeting will be held on Thursday 1st May at 7.00pm, in the Staffroom.
We have some fun things planned for this year and would welcome help from parents in our community, so please feel free to come along and join us.
Please contact Kristy at for any further information or if you have questions.
Thank you for your support!