Dates For Your Diary

Friday 7th
- Foundation Induction celebration, 2.00-3.30pm (all Foundation parents welcome)
- Whole school assembly, 2.50pm - PLEASE NOTE EARLIER START TIME (all welcome)
Monday 10th
- Labour Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 11th
- 2026 Foundation Information Evening & Tour, 6.00pm (prospective 2026 Foundation families)
Wednesday 12th
- Breakfast Club, 8.00am (all welcome)
- 'Parents as Helpers' course, 9.00-10.00am in Staffroom (all welcome, please RSVP)
- 'Teeth on Wheels' School Dentist visit, Day 1 (students with booked appointments)
- NAPLAN Writing (Year 3 & 5 students)
- 'Parents as Helpers' course, 7.15-8.15pm online (all welcome, please RSVP for meeting link)
Thursday 13th
- NAPLAN Reading (Year 3 & 5 students)
Friday 14th
- NAPLAN Language Conventions (Year 3 & 5 students)
Monday 17th
- Harmony Week commences
- NAPLAN Numeracy (Year 3 & 5 students)
Tuesday 18th
- Year 6-7 Transition Parent Information Night, 5.30pm in 5/6 building (parents of 5/6 students welcome)
Wednesday 19th
- Breakfast Club, 8.00am (all welcome)
- Twilight Sports, 4.00-5.30pm on oval, including PFA Sausage Sizzle (all welcome)
Thursday 20th
- Harmony Week whole school assembly, 9.00am - NOTE EARLY TIME (all welcome)
- 'Teeth on Wheels' School Dentist visit, Day 2 (students with booked appointments)
Friday 21st
- Year 5/6 Winter Sport Round Robin (all Year 5/6 students)
Monday 24th
- F-4 Swimming program commences (all F-4 students)
Wednesday 26th
- NO Breakfast Club due to F-4 Swimming program
Thursday 27th
- School Council meeting, 7.00pm in Staffroom
Saturday 29th
- 2026 Foundation Open Morning, 10.00am (prospective 2026 Foundation families)
Wednesday 2nd
- NO Breakfast Club due to F-4 Swimming program
Friday 4th
- F-4 Swimming program concludes (all F-4 students)
- Whole-school assembly, including Easter raffle draw, 2.00pm (all welcome)
- Term 1 concludes, 2.30pm