Sporting News
Mrs Amanda Bartholomew
Sporting News
Mrs Amanda Bartholomew
Primary (Year 3/4/5 & 6) students have been invited to participate in the Armidale Diocesan Soccer Gala Day to be held in Tamworth on Friday 15th September. This is a fun filled “come and participate” day open to all primary students. The focus is on participation not competition. We have lots of students who play soccer on the playground at lunchtime and have had a wonderful response from our Expression of Interest note sent out earlier in the term. We will have enough students to take 2 teams, one Year 3/4 team and one 5/6 team. Myself (Mrs Bartholomew), Mrs Cortis, Miss Cooper (Year 5/6 prac student) and Mrs Smyth (Year 3/4 prac teacher) will accompany the students on the day.
Students who returned their expression of interest note will receive a permission note with more information today on Compass. I have had some parents volunteer to drive extra students if needed so please indicate on Compass if your child needs a lift so this can be organised.
All information about Diocesan sports events is well communicated on the Armidale Diocesan Primary Sports Council Facebook Page. This includes postponements and event photos. Please ensure you take the time to like this page, so you have access to the most up to date information on Diocesan sports events.