Religious Education

Term 3

St Brigid's Parish Bulletin - 27th August 2023

Father's Day Celebration - Friday, 1st September

Thank you to the families who have sent in a photo for our Father's Day Celebrations. PLEASE email a photo of these special men to - 

Thanks in advance.


The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on 

Sunday, 22nd October at 9.30am.


Confirmation Lesson Dates:

1st Lesson - Sunday 3rd September (after 9.30am Mass).

2nd Lesson - Wednesday 6th September - 3.50pm to 5pm in the Parish Hall

3rd Lesson - Wednesday 13th September - 3.50pm to 5pm in the Parish Hall

4th Lesson - Wednesday 20th September - 3.50pm to 5pm in the Parish Hall

5th Lesson - Wednesday 11th October - 3.50pm to 5pm in the Parish Hall

6th Lesson - Wednesday 18th October - 3.50pm to 5pm in the Parish Hall


Parents/guardians are expected to attend all lessons with the Confirmation candidates. 



Take care and kind regards,


Mrs Sarah-Jane Canham

Religious Education Coordinator