A Message from the Principal
Mrs Pauline Long
A Message from the Principal
Mrs Pauline Long
Book Week
What a wonderful celebration we had for Book Week last week. As you can see from the photos below the students and staff enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book character. Even in this digital age books are important. Books not only help us learn, they can give us joy as we escape into other worlds.
Principal’s Award
Congratulations to Alex Davis for being a positive role model for the younger students. Your determination and effort to play fairly during games are appreciated by other students and staff.
Father’s Day
We look forward to seeing many dads and father figures join us this Friday for a liturgy in the library at 12 noon, followed by games in the playground and a shared lunch. Don’t forget to put your lunch order in by 8.30am on Friday. The grilled chicken burgers are delicious!
Dear Lord,
Bless all fathers and grandfathers as they care for their families.
Give them strength and wisdom, tenderness and patience.
Give them the ability to love in a way that reflects your love.
Support them in the work they do.
School Survey
Each year the Catholic Schools Office distributes a survey to gather feedback from parents, students and teachers. The results are used to inform school improvement. I encourage all our community members to complete the survey.
Have a safe and happy week.
Pauline Long