Devotion, Prayer Families & Birthdays


This term in Worship we have heard a bit about the life of Joseph. The full story can be found in Genesis, chapters 45 – 50. It is a fascinating account of jealousy, forgiveness and God’s faithfulness. As we read through the story, we can see how God was with Joseph every step of the way: from being sold into slavery by his brothers, to being thrown into prison in Egypt, and then becoming second-in-charge to Pharaoh! 

It's always easier to see God’s presence when we look back. A way we grow in faith though is trusting and looking for how God is with us and helping us, in the small and big things. Joseph’s story is a great reminder that God is always with us. He is faithful, and he can use everything that happens to us for good. In the same way that Joseph trusted God throughout his trials, we can trust that God has a good plan for our lives. 


for the fortnight beginning 25 August: 


Varghese, Venables, Weippert, Williams, Wuol, Wyatt, Wyszynski, Young, Ziersch, Ajak


And staff:


Megan Gardner, Lisa Goldsworthy, Lucy Hendriks, Elinor Hetzel-Bone


Happy Birthday to the following students for the coming fortnight:


Isaac Edelman, Harper Kittle, Thomas Pfeiffer, Jake Lawrence, Korey Sleigh, Elijah Fenim, Manav Bhullar, Jayden Charles