Always was, always will be

Acknowledgement of Country

This acknowledgment was written by Jasper after the Year 5 workshop with KESO Kira Peters on Wurundjeri culture. 

NAIDOC Week Celebrations

We began our NAIDOC celebration on Monday 4th September with Local Wurundjeri, Boonwurrung, Yorta Yorta Elder Uncle Shane Charles sharing a special Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony with us. He also shared his beautiful yidaki / digeridoo. 


Noongar family Bianca and Logan (Year 2) shared  culture through a wonderful artwork and postcard.

Koorie Engagement Support Officer (KESO) Mark Lumley, a Wiradjuri and Yorta Yorta man, shared the beautiful message of Makarrata through his message stick creation. Mark carved and painted this stick that our school will be able to utilise at special events and class.

Thank you to everyone  who attended. It was terrific to see people's Taba Naba Style!


We're looking forward to continuing the celebrations through The Great Book Sale, Floral Friday and curriculum opportunities. 


Thank you to all our special guests for attending and celebrating NAIDOC week with our school community



Uncle Shane and the KESO team were invited to plant some seeds for the Grasslands Ecospace in the front playground to complete the Celebration morning after a cuppa and yarn.


Always was, Always will be Student Team

The Great Book Sale

Book donations are being accepted for The Great Book Sale! These will be able to be purchased for a gold coin donation on Friday 8th, with funds to Indigenous Literacy Foundation who provide access to books and literacy programs to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander remote communities across Australia. Drop off your book donations in the morning on Tuesday 5th or Wednesday 6th at the portable classrooms next to the soccer pitch. This initiative is run by 5B.

Floral Friday

On Friday 8th September, we warmly invite you to wear FLORAL for FLORAL FRIDAY! (In the absence of floral patterns, you are invited to wear something in the green/blue/black/white colours of the Torres Strait flag!)Floral Friday is a day for us to celebrate culture and explore perspectives from Zenadth Kes (Torres Strait Islands). This initiative is run by 5A.The event is FREE!  

Woiwurrung Word of the Week

"Ngoon-godgin" means "thank you". Thanks to the KESO team for sharing these Woiwurrung words.

First Nation Events + Resources

(Our school is not affiliated with any of these)


Koorie Heritage Trust School Holiday Program

Find out more.