Senior Classroom News

Grade 5/6 News
Gr 5 /6's have been very busy working on their Educational Research Projects this fortnight. They are excited to see you at school on Thursday at 2:45 pm so they can share their learning with you.
In Religious Education, the students have been working on learning about the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. While studying the sacraments included reflecting on Bible passages that directly relate to each one. I was impressed by how well they undertook this task.
In English, while working in collaboration reading groups, the students have written profiles on some of their fellow students, worked on their comprehension skills and continued to work on a short narrative for another person.
During Maths, the Gr 5 /6's have learnt more about Numbers and Algebra with Challenging Maths Tasks and real-life worded problems. We are moving into Measurement with a real focus on learning more about telling the time - especially lapsed time and twenty-four hour time.
Last week, the students enjoyed the swimming lessons at the Shepparton Pool.
They also learnt how to get change efficiently so we could return to school on time.