Principals Message

Spring is steeped in love and joy – the essence of all that is good
Spring is in the air and what wonderful evidence we have with flower buds bursting forth, a flush of green on the trees, blossom on every fruit tree, wattle blooming, canola crops in flower, gardens looking amazing, birds busily building their nests, spring showers and cumulus clouds floating across the afternoon sky.
Spring is known for life. It’s the season of rebirth, joy and love. Spring for many, is a symbol of new beginnings. When the first green emerges from the found and the first buds the open, people celebrate life. Spring is steeped in love and joy - the essence of all that is good - and is associated with ideas of rebirth, renewal, resurrection and regrowth. Spring symbolises life in all its glory.
Usually after a winter that has been difficult with cold windy days, flu and viruses and other not so exciting global, national and local news, we might need to take stock of the attitude that we have towards our life. As parents and teachers we are in a position to influence how children might feel about themselves. What a great opportunity Spring presents to instil in children a love of nature that will sow the seeds for ecological awareness and responsibility. When we feel connected with the earth we will be more inclined to act towards it with care and even reverence.
This week our students have been blessed to have 3 local ladies guide them in a bushwalk to see the wonderful wild flowers in our surrounding environment. `
Marie Gleeson, Val Barlow, Pauline Perry and Norita Clarke shared their knowledge of the local flora with our students and hopefully this will give them more reason to care for our environment.
We thank Marie, Val, Pauline and Norita for giving up their valuable time for our students’ learning.
Maybe the coming holidays are a time for a trip to the surrounding State forest to catch up on the wonders and beauty of nature.
One way to deepen our sense of God is to know him through the wonder of his creation.
This Friday September 15th is the last day of term 3 and students will be dismissed at 2.20pm. Staff thank our parents and carers for the dedicated care and support that you have given to your children and to your children’s teachers. You have always been ready to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their goals and needs.
School resumes for Term 4 on Monday October 2nd.
We have been invited to plant trees with Rushworth Landcare and Rushworth P-12 College. The grade 6 students will walk to the Railway reserve with Mrs Fraser and an ESO and spend the morning planting. Lunch will be provided following the planting.
There is a permission form on Simon Everywhere that parents need to acknowledge.
Friday September 15th is the second transition morning for our 2024 foundation students. Students are welcome to dress in footy colours and attend school from 8.50am – 11.30am. Please provide a piece for fruit and a sandwich for their break. Water bottle and hat as Friday is expected to be quite hot.
Future Transition dates are:
Friday October 13
Friday October 27
Friday November 10
Friday November 24
Tuesday December 12 (State-wide Transition day)
On Friday our students are invited to come dressed in their footy colours. It is finals time so it will be good to celebrate the various teams and their endeavours this year.
NB. There won’t be a sausage sizzle on Friday.
On Monday October 9 we have selected students attending the Divisional Athletics in Shepparton. Some students will be on camp at this time so parents will need to decide whether these children attend the athletics or stay at camp.
Our heavily subsidised camps are early next term. Grade 3/4 are attending the Billabong Ranch Camp in Echuca Village from Monday October 9 until Wednesday October 11.
There will be a Parent information session for the Grade 3/4 parents on Tuesday October 3 at 3.00pm.
Grade 5/6 will attend the Anglesea Auscamp from Wednesday October 18 until Friday October 20. Both of these camps have been heavily subsidised by the school.
There will be a Parent information session for Grade 5/6 parents on Tuesday October 10 at 3.00pm.
*Going forward there will be some discussion at School Advisory Council level and some decisions made regarding future camps due the high cost of bus travel and camps in general.
Schooling is compulsory for children and young people aged 6-17 years unless an exemption from attendance or enrolment has been granted.
Staff have noticed that some children are regularly missing school on Monday after a busy weekend with their family. Monday is the most important day of the week for your child as it is when work is set for the remainder of the week, friendships are set for the week, Pre -tests are often done on a Monday and class goals are set for the remainder of the week.
If your child is regularly missing school on a Monday I ask that you consider the importance of this day and encourage your child to attend school.
If your child is absent from school we request that you log this absence on SIMON everywhere or call the office before 9.00am. Admin staff are required to phone parents or carers to verify unexplained absences.
A reminder to parents that if students enter our school property on the weekend or after school hours, that they should be supervised. A reminder that there are security cameras installed.
Enjoy the coming holidays with your children and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday October 2nd .
Catherine Fraser