A Spotlight on Learning 

Heights Campus

A Spotlight on Learning in the JLC on Springvale  Campus

Last week the Junior Learning Centre exploration of shortlisted Children's Book Week picture books culminated in a parade and literacy activities to celebrate the theme of "Read, Grow and Inspire". Our students looked AMAZING in their book character costumes, with particular mention going to Simon for his impression of Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka, (complete with walking cane and golden tickets.) Congratulations also goes to 1/2E on their SPECTACULAR highlight of the “Naturopolis” book by Deborah Frenkel which was awarded the best door decoration in the Junior and Foundation category.  

Another highlight of Book Week was the live performance by Carp Productions. The FLC and JLC students were captivated by the hilarious characters who brought some of the Book Week books to life. 

In Mathematics, students are learning to solve addition and subtraction problems using the most efficient strategy. We have been delighted with the manner in which this knowledge has been applied to solve authentic real-life problems.  


Students have been learning to wonder and ask questions while they read. This encourages a deeper involvement with their text. In addition, students are developing their ability to infer plausible answers to questions their partner has posed about their shared text. 


In Writing, students are learning to explain how or why something occurs. Children are using their knowledge of lifecycles of animals such as frogs to inform their audience how different species develop.   


As the change of season approaches the JLC are investigating ways animals around the world adjust to cooler temperatures and reduced food availability. Our inquiry follows how animals may migrate, hibernate or adapt to ensure their survival. Naturally, in our harsh Australian climate, some animals even hibernate or migrate to seek cooler temperatures! 


Permission notices for the swimming program have now been sent home for families to complete and return to their class teachers.  We also need to prepare for some engaging hands-on-learning as the JLC get ‘Mad About Science’ with Material Science due to come to school on Tuesday October 10th. 



Mrs Michelle Sideridis 

Learning Centre Leader   

(Springvale Campus)