From the Assistant Principal's Desk (Heights Campus)

Highlights on Heights

BRILLIANT BOOK PARADE: On Wednesday 23rd August, we held our annual Book Week Parade on the Heights Campus. We were lucky enough to have beautiful sunshine so we could hold the parade outside with lots of space for students, teachers and parents to watch. It was lovely to see so many of our families attend and participate in the parade! I wonder who this witch was with her black cat? 

What an amazing assortment of book characters there were this year.  There were characters from Dr Suess books, Super Heros, Fairytale characters, animal costumes, and many more. It was so hard for our school leaders to choose the best costume for each Learning Centre  but the winners were…… 

Leo from Foundation, Toby from JLC, Alex from MLC, and Johnny from SLC 

Then came the Best Dressed Teacher award. The winner was…… Mrs Eleni Drossas who dressed up as The Lorax! Wow, what a lot of effort went into her costume!  


We also had an amazing door display competition and the winners were……1/2B and 3/4A.


Congratulations to all our students for the amazing efforts in dressing up and participating in our Book Week activities. Some other exciting events that happened during Book Week included a visit from Australian author Kristy Murray, who spoke about how she gets inspiration for writing her books. The MLC and SLC students were fully engaged whilsta listening to Kristy and looking at her amazing books. 

The FLC and JLC also participated in a special Book Week incursion. They watched some wonderful actors tell a tale and they were even invited to participate in the story along the way. There were lots of laughs at the funny parts in the play.  

Just a couple of reminders…..

Foundation Enrolments 2024!

We are starting to receive lots of Foundation Enrolments for 2024. It is very helpful if we can get these in as soon as possible so that we can contact families about our Transtion Program which is scheudled for later in the year. This is where we provide families with all the important information they need for their child to start school next year. So, it you have a child at school with a sibling who is currently 4 years old, PLEASE collect an enrolment pack from the office and return it before the end of term. Please also pass on the information to any family, friends or neighbours who may have a child starting school next year. We would love to welcome them to our SRPS community!


REMEMBER IN SEPTEMBER….. It is hard to believe, but it is almost back to warm Spring weather and lots of sunshine! This also means that students and staff will need to wear their hat again. As the sun gets warmer, we need to protect our face and neck by wearing a hat at recess, lunch and during sporting activities. If everyone can find their hat, give it a wash and then bring it back to school by next week that would be apprecaited. Remember in September - we wear our hats again.

 Have a wonderful week everyone.


Suzanne Stubbings          Acting Assistant Principal

(Heights Campus)