Specialists Wonga Weekly

Week 8, Term 3

Physical Education


Prep PE

We will continue to focus on the fundamental movement skill of bouncing a ball. While participating in targeted activities, students will be encouraged to track the ball with their eyes and use their fingertips for added ball control.


Prep Sensory

In this week’s Sensory Gym sessions, students will enjoy a selection of activities and exercises designed to improve their balance, core strength and fine motor control.


Grade 1 and 2

This week, we will primarily focus on consolidating students ball bouncing ability. They will be reminded to bounce the ball with a bent elbow, use their fingertips for added control and to not let the ball bounce above waist height.


Grade 3 and 4

We will continue our basketball focus, with the aim of consolidating students’ ability in the key skills of dribbling, passing and shooting. Students will participate in a modified game of basketball called ‘endball’, and also join in several targeted small group, skill-based activities. 


Grade 5 and 6

We will continue our basketball focus, with the aim of consolidating students’ ability in the key skills of dribbling, passing and shooting. Students will participate in a modified game of basketball called ‘endball’, and also join in several targeted small group, skill-based activities.

Performing Arts


Students will continue to learn their Prep Concert songs for our show 'Journey Through the Rainbow'. 


Grade 1 and 2

Students will explore the concept of role and situation and explore animals as characters focusing on using voice and movement. 


Grade 3 and 4

Students will complete a play in drama activity focusing on using their voice, movement and imagination to perform in character.


Grade 5 and 6

Students will begin to build their own scripted drama scene and develop their own characters and situations.

Maker Space

Grade 1 and 2  

Last week students experimented with image manipulation by editing a ‘selfie’ to create a funny character. This week we will add to these by building bodies, costumes and other accessories using cardboard. We will be focusing on using our fine motor skills to control our cutting. 


Grade 3 to 6 

Next term will include a sewing challenge..... but not everyone knows how to sew yet! So we are having some skill builder sessions to teach students some basic sewing stitches and skills. All needles being used are darning needles so are quite thick and blunt to ensure all students are safe when learning this new skill. 

Visual Arts


Students will look at the book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and talk about the new season of Spring that we are entering this week. They will make a caterpillar from a stocking and stuffing and practise twisting pipe-cleaners for legs and antennae.


Grade 1 and 2

This week students will be immersed in a ‘Paper Sculpture Challenge’. They will be inspired by three different artists, and respond to their work with their own creation made out of paper, using 3D techniques such as curling, folding and twisting to create their sculpture. 


Grade 3

Students are finalising the illustration for their Father’s Day gift as well as wrapping and creating a card for their Dad/special person.


Grade 4

Students will finalise their lino print to frame, wrap their gift and create a card for their Dad/special person.


Grade 5 

Students are continuing to work on their ‘Buddy Bear’. Once they have cut out the shape of their bear, they are beginning to add facial features using stitching techniques and blanket stitch around the edges to keep the stuffing in!


Grade 6

Students are framing their clay landscape piece and wrapping their gift for their special person. They are also beginning to look at ‘street art’ and experiment with creating their name in graffiti font. 




Prep students will continue to revise and consolidate their knowledge of animal signs in Auslan. They will also complete their learning snapshot for this term by signing what animal they like using the simple sentence, ‘I like…’


Grade 1 and 2

Grade 1 and 2 students will continue to review their knowledge of the signs for animals by completing a wordsearch. They will also complete this term’s snapshot by signing their favourite animal in Auslan using the sentence, ‘My favourite animal is…’


Grade 3 and 4

Grade 3 and 4 students will continue to complete this term’s snapshot by rehearsing their description about a friend or family member and then work toward creating a short video of them describing this person. 


Grade 5 and 6

Grade 5 and 6 students will continue to work on their learning snapshot for this term. They will rehearse their scripts about signing past and future signs and record themselves to begin creating their instructional video about timelines.