Sport news

by Jamie Marks

A group of very talented runners took to Karkarook Park  in Term 2 for the Kingston Division Cross Country.  The events consisted of either a 3km or 5km course.  With the help and encouragement of Ms Rosenbrock, Ms Chiocci and Ms Longwill, our students were fantastic and there were some outstanding results.  Well done to all students, in particular those who finished in the top 15 of their year level as they will now progress to the SMR region cross country event. 

We look forward to watching all of our runners compete at the Southern Metro Region Cross Country Championships.

Mr Marks


Girls 12-13 Years

2nd – Eliza Ayres



Boys 14 years

1st - Joel Dean

Girls 14 years

1st – Kahsia Lockwood

2nd – Alex Clarke

3rd – Maddeleine Harvey


Boys 15 Years

1st – Riley Sullivan




Boys 17-20 years

1st - James Pizer-Di Ciero

2nd - Alex Pizer-Di Ciero

3rd - Cooper Bayliss




It has been a busy term for Sport with a number of teams moving through to the SMR finals.

Congratulations to-

    Date: 29 July -  Venue: Gloria Pyke Netball Courts
  2. SMR Intermediate AFL boys (Mr McCormack and Mr Benson)
    Date: 29 July - Venue: Lloyd Park
  3. Junior boys netball (Ms Kennedy)
    Date: 05 August - Venue:Jubilee Park Stadium - NEW VENUE
  4. Intermediate boys soccer (Mr Dunn)
    Date: 06 August - Venue: Kingston Heath Soccer Complex

Term 3 Intermediate Sport is in August, and Year 9/10 will have sign up and selection shortly for Basketball, Futsal and Hockey.

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