From  The Acting Principal

by Melissa Treverton

As we draw to the end of Semester 1 and I sit down to write this newsletter article, I find myself in a quandary. Of all the amazing events, success stories, community connections, positive behaviours, and collaborative activities that have highlighted the term,  I am struggling to find just a few to showcase.  


A common thread throughout the school has been the willingness of both our students and staff to step out of their comfort and safety zones. After a period of unpredictability and change, they are now feeling more confident to take calculated risks and embrace new opportunities. Our staff and students have been collaborating to overcome new challenges, supporting others who are stepping up into leadership, and finding their voices and identity within our school community and society. We know that we learn and grow by testing new waters, embracing new opportunities, and supporting each other. This collective effort has been the true highlight of our school this semester, and I sincerely thank everyone for their continued dedication and enthusiasm. We look forward to witnessing even more growth and achievement in the coming semester. Our vision of ‘Challenging our community to strive and achieve’ is becoming evident across all aspects of our wonderful school.


Capital works

It is pleasing to see the progress of our capital works project over the term. The ground preparation works have occurred, and the layout of the active spaces and seating areas is planned for the holiday break. We are anticipating a mid-Term 3 completion.


Culture - Vision and Values

The realignment of our school culture has progressed well with a draft model currently undergoing a student feedback process. We look forward to sharing this with our broader school community in Term 3. The intent of this is to have a strong underpinning of the work we do as a school and ensure all community members have clarity around our purpose and expectations.


Community events and highlights

As I mentioned, both the quality and quantity of events occurring during the day and outside of school hours has been amazing. Many are covered in reports later in this newsletter, but here are three of my highlights.

The theatre has been buzzing with fabulous performances, including the VCE Theatre Studies' impressive performance of Ken Ludwig’s play, ‘A Games a Foot’; to instrumental music and vocal soiree evenings; VCE music performances; and the energetic rehearsals as students prepare for the 2024 Musical Production of Freaky Friday. Tickets are on sale, and I can assure you it will again be a top-quality production. (Booking details under the Musical Production article)

The annual Tjindu AFL Academy vs Parkdale SC matches was held on 23rd May 2024. This was held at RSEA Park, the home of St Kilda FC. A special thanks go to Aunty Katrina Amon for her organisation of the boys' and girls' matches and the ceremony and hospitality that went along with the games. Our boys' team managed an impressive win, while our girls' team fought hard but were edged out by the Tjindu girls. The opportunity for our students to participate in this game is one of the best they will get, not just from the sporting challenge but also from a cultural and social one. Our students represented our school with pride and embraced this amazing opportunity.

Our Year 9 enhanced Science class has set themselves the huge challenge of organising and running a Science Fair for both Parkdale students and grade 5 and 6 students from our local primary schools. I even heard today that a Teachers' category has been added. The phenomenal work the students have done to link with the community, learn about and follow bureaucratic processes, seek funding, and market the event has seen them develop life-changing skills. Stay tuned for details about the Science Fair expo in August.


Semester reporting

Semester reports will be published on COMPASS at 4pm on Friday 28th June.

The Semester report is an overall summary of the student’s achievement for the semester only and contains:

- Victorian Curriculum levels (Year 7-10)

- CAT Achievement standards (Year 7-10)

- Exam results - Year 10 & 11

- Parkdale Study Score - Year 11

- VCE / VM Outcome (SAC) S / N results.

- VCE / VM Unit S / N results.

Hopefully, you have found the regular feedback on your child’s academic progress, strategies for improvement, and learning behaviours valuable throughout this semester.

Regular viewing of the CAT, SAC & VM Assessment Tasks on Compass provides both students and parents with user-friendly, timely, and specific feedback and actionable strategies. We encourage parents and students to regularly view and reflect upon their teacher’s feedback. Celebrate the successes and support and encourage your child to implement the changes suggested by their teachers. Small habitual changes can make the biggest impact.

Semester reports are only distributed via Compass. Parents are encouraged to download and print a copy for their own safekeeping, as once a student has exited the college they do not retain Compass access.



Mrs. Christine Braybrooke is embarking on her retirement after a remarkable 41 years in education, 23 of them at Parkdale Secondary College. A dedicated teacher,  Christine has inspired generations of students with her passion for History and her love of travel. Beyond the classroom, she has been an advocate for teachers as our union representative and has made a lasting impact on our international students as their coordinator, fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment. We thank her for all that she has contributed to Parkdale Secondary College and we wish her all the best as she begins her well-deserved retirement.



I wish all of our families a safe and enjoyable Winter break, if your family are traveling please stay safe and if you are staying close to home enjoy our crisp days and some time to recharge.