First Aid for BPS Kids
Brought to you by the BPS Community Engagement Committee and facilitated by Cool Kids First Aid (https://www.coolkidsfirstaid.com/)
These interactive and fun sessions are designed to equip children with the basics of what to do in an emergency and are designed on the current ARC (Australian Resuscitation Council and ANZCOR (Australian and New Zealand Committee on Resuscitation) guidelines.
The program covers the following:
• An introduction to the principles of DRSABCD
• Correct CPR (currently not teaching mouth to mask techniques for breathing due to COVID-19)
• Introduction to using a defibrillator
• How to call '000' utilizing our Triple 000 Trainer App
• Basics on Asthma and Anaphylaxis including signs and symptoms and treatment
• Nose Bleeds
• Sprains and Strains
• Burns
• Snake and spider bite First Aid Treatment
• Basic bleeding control
Each child will receive a certificate at the completion of the program.
Who can participate: All Banyule students from Prep - Year 6, with parents encouraged to stay and watch, or have a cuppa and chat onsite. We will need at least 3 volunteers to assist at each session (Working with Children Check required). You can let us know if you are happy to stay via the registration form.
When: You can choose from one of four sessions: Wed July 24th at 5:30pm, Thu July 25th at 5:30pm, Sun July 28th 1pm and 3:30pm
How long: Each session runs for 1¾ - 2 hours
Where: School gymnasium
Cost: $20 per child (early bird purchased by midnight Monday 24th June), $25 per child from Tuesday 25th July. Payment to be made via Compass once registration is successful.
Minimum numbers apply.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: https://bit.ly/BPS-KidsFirstAid-RegisterInterest
BPS Disco
WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE? We are always looking for new members and ideas. Please feel free to join one of our meetings or send any questions/comments to: banyuleps.cec@gmail.com