From the Acting Principal 

Dr Cheryle Osborne

Dr Cheryle Osborne
Dr Cheryle Osborne






Dear Families,

Farewell and Thank You!

I would like to thank everyone in the Ormond school community for my warm welcome and support during my time here. It has been a wonderful experience and I leave with many fond memories. I am returning to my substantive school, Aspendale Gardens Primary School next term.  I have really enjoyed getting to know the fabulous staff, the talented and engaging students, and the many friendly and supportive parents and extended family members during my time here. A special mention to the wonderful School Council who truly have the best interests of the school front and centre, and are willing and able to make a very positive difference. Under the School Council President’s leadership of Nerida Crake you are certainly in good hands. 


It is my great pleasure to introduce and welcome Patrick Halpin who will be the Acting Principal next term. Patrick is the current principal at Seaford Park Primary School and is very excited to be coming to Ormond. He comes with a wealth of experience and many leadership strengths that he will be able to share with the Ormond community. A huge welcome is extended to Patrick. I know he will enjoy Ormond Primary School as much as I have. 

Thank You April Kopitz and Sharelle Davis

I would like to thank April and Sharelle for their wonderful work in the Outside of School Hours Care program. April has been with the program for 25 years and has been ably assisted by Sharelle for the past 17 years. They have cared for many students during that time where they have provided a friendly and caring environment for the students, both before and after school. April will be taking some long service leave and Sharelle will be assisting in the classrooms and taking care of the library. 

Working Bee

We had a wonderful group of parents and students who volunteered their time last Friday after school to tidy the resource room upstairs. A big thank-you to the following parents for their time and effort to make this happen - Diana Bosanac, Nerida Crake, Vanessa Ulmer, Amy Moralis, Jacqui Warfe, Michelle Gilmore, Julian Ayres, Josh Woollan (5W Teacher), and our lovely crossing lady Sue. 


Also a big thank-you to the students who assisted - Milena, Sasha, Charlotte, Eric, Zoe, Alexei, Eva, Piper and Hannah. Apologies if I have left anyone off. 


The room looks amazing and is now being used as a student learning area. 


Note: There was a black jacket left behind which is in the office. 

Nick Staikos MP

It was a pleasure to have Nick Staikos, our local MP, at our assembly on Monday. We presented Nick with a thank-you certificate for his assistance in organising a grant to help fund the replacement of the playground easyturf. 

Pyjama Day - Next Wednesday

We are looking forward to Pyjama Day next Wednesday. Once again a big thank you to Kassia in Year 3 and the SRC for instigating the day. More information further in the newsletter. 


To see the flyer and QR code, please go to the separate 'PJs & Fluffy Toy Day' in this edition of the newsletter.

TheirCare Information Evening

We had an excellent attendance at the Outside of School Hours Care information evening last week. A big thank you to April and Effie for looking after the students during the presentation. 


All bookings are now on-line, so please read the information on the flyer which is further in the newsletter. I recommend that all parents, including those that don't currently use the OSHC service, to sign-up so that should the need arise, you are ready to go.


If you have any further questions please contact the office.

Student Reports Go Live Tomorrow

Reports will go live tomorrow on Compass. Thank you to the teachers for their work in this area. After reading many of the reports it is clear that we have some very talented students at Ormond Primary School. 


There will be a Compass News Feed that will go out on tomorrow with instructions on how to access the reports.

Parent Teacher Meetings

A reminder that the 2024 Mid-Year Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for next week. The meeting time slots are live on Compass. The interviews will go for 15 minutes per session, over 3 days.


Tuesday 25th June @ 3.45pm-6pm

Wednesday 26th June @ 3pm-6pm 

Thursday 27th June @ 3.45pm-4.45pm


To book your interviews, please head to Compass where you will find the link (see screenshot below) on the home page on the right hand side.



Please contact the office if you are unable to book a time slot. 

House Athletics First Tuesday Back in T3

The Year 3-6 House Athletics will be held on the first Tuesday of Term 3. They will be held at the Duncan McKinnon Athletics Track on Tuesday 16th July from 9.30am-2pm


Thank you to Mr Pannam for organising the event. 

Last Day of Term & Assembly

A reminder that Friday 28th June is the last day of Term 2 with an early 2.30pm finish.


There is a whole school assembly scheduled for @ 2pm.

So, farewell for my last newsletter. Once again, I have really enjoyed my time at Ormond Primary School and I wish everyone in the community all the very best for the future. Thank you for sharing your children with us each day. 


I wish all our students and staff a safe and happy holiday.


Take care,
