Student Learning

What is happening around the school

Grade 1 & 2 

In Grade 2 we have been learning to position our hands correctly when typing, so that we can type more efficiently. 


In Grade 1 and 2 we have been learning about 3 D Shapes



Year One made their own virtual lolly jars and collected data by sorting the colours of the virtual lollies. They then used the data to form graphs and make statements about the results.


Grade 1 and 2 Grandparent's Afternoon 


To celebrate the end of our History unit, we are inviting Grade 1 and 2 Grandparents to join us for a session on Tuesday, June 25th from 2:30 pm-3:20 pm. If a Grandparent isn’t able to attend, a family member is welcome to come along in their place. 


If you have any questions please contact your class teacher.  

We are looking forward to sharing our learning with you all!

Grades 3 & 4

During PE the Grade 3 and 4 students worked on their strength, flexiblity and balance during PE class this week

Grades 5 & 6

In 5/6SB, we have been experimenting with blackout poetry and shape poetry.





In Grades 1 and 2 students have been learning to use the sentence “ga sukidesu” to say they like something. They’ve been practising using the correct stroke order to write the sentence in hiragana. 


In Grades 5 and 6 students have been researching Japanese youkai (mythical creatures). They have then created their own youkai and written simple descriptive sentences about the creatures they have created.