Principal's Message

I had a bit of a fright last week.  On the way to childcare, with my four kids in the car I was involved in a car accident, the driver crossing a roundabout and smashing into the front of my car.  All our airbags went off, leaving us thankfully with only minor bruises and scratches, but a bit shaken.  Scary incidences like these certainly remind us what is important and how fortunate we are. I was very grateful to my school co-workers who drove me to and from school for the last few days and have supported me as I’ve had a bit of whinge about the whole thing – as we do.  Thank you all.


Bike Incursions

Last week we had The Y team from Mount Evelyn Recreation Camp (MERC) travel to Launch to run the Bike Clinics for all our classes.  What a blast the kids had!  A big thank you to our amazing families for bringing in the bikes and helmets that made the whole thing possible.  The program focused on bike safety and being a responsible rider.    The team from MERC were amazing and we hope to have them back soon to run some further clinics for us. 


Parent Teacher Interviews

A big thank you to all of the parents and families who attended the most recent round of parent teacher interviews.  Schools are required to hold interviews twice per year.  It is a large financial investment for the school to host these, so I personally am very pleased when I see teachers’ schedules nice and full for the evening.  Attending parent teacher interviews is a great opportunity, as you are able to ask further questions and better understand the comments made on your child’s report.  Meeting with your child’s teacher also strengthens the communication between home and school, leading to a more productive partnership. 


Semester Reports and Student Portfolios

It is our hope that by now all families have accessed their child’s semester report on Compass.  If you are yet to do so, please check it out, or contact our office if you need a hand. We are always happy to help.  If you have any questions about the information contained in the report please contact your child’s classroom teacher. At Launch we hand out reports in the second last week to allow these conversations to take place prior to the term break.

Likewise Student Portfolios were sent home last week.  We hope you have enjoyed seeing this showcase of your child’s learning.  Please ensure portfolios are returned to school prior to the term break so as teachers have these all prepped to add more work samples in Term Three.


End of Term Two Survey

This week you may have seen a Compass post come out asking you to participate in a family survey around reporting, parent teacher interviews and teacher communication.  It is our intention to ensure we listen to the feedback you provide and adapt our practices to ensure we are continually improving and working towards exceeding our community's expectations. Have a say - it helps us improve!  Please find the link to the survey on Compass.


Year 5/6 Camp

A reminder that Year 5/6 Camp is being held on the first three days of Term Three.  We wish our campers a wonderful time.  Would you believe the campers don't even need to bring a pillow and sleeping bag?  The itinerary for the three days look amazing with river cruises, movies, ice skating, Skydeck and lots of other fun experiences on the agenda!


No Curriculum Days in Term Three

We decided to use our curriculum days early in the year in 2024 as we have been accessing some consultants and undertaking some professional learning for staff.  We wanted to do this learning early so as we could incorporate it into our classroom programs and see results as early as possible.  So no curriculum days for us in Term Three.  The final day of school for 2024, Friday 20th December will be a curriculum day for our students, with staff completing official handover discussions with teachers in preparation for the next school year.  Hence the final day of 2024 for students will be Thursday 19th December. Mark it in your calendar.


Archery Competition 

Congratulations to Ryan who placed 3rd and Jonah who placed equal 1st in our District Archery Competition!  A big thumbs up to these students who opted into the event and then did a great job representing our school.  Go Launch!

Virtual Tour

See you around our place,

Laura Caddy
