Assistant Principal's Report 



As the term draws to a close students and teachers have had the opportunity to reflect on the learning across the term through assessments, goal achievements and reports. Parents and teachers should be proud of the learning growth both academically and socially for our students. It was wonderful to see so many parents attend our Parent/Teacher interviews on Monday. The feedback from all teachers was extremely positive and we are continually grateful to our staff and parent community for their positivity and interest in both the academic & social progress of our students.




Once again, our school camp was a great success! As seen in the media it is becoming more and more difficult for schools to run camps and they could not go ahead without the commitment of our staff both at camp and back at school. Thank you to all the staff who went to camp we know your duties extend well beyond your normal hours. I hope you have all caught up on your sleep and are enjoying the comforts of your own (quiet!) homes. To all the students I was so pleased to hear about all the positive comments about the Grade 3-6 children, they were helpful, polite, willing to “have a go” and try new activities, some were also tidy & kept their cabins clean. I hope camp becomes one of your treasured memories from your time at WPS.




 I would like to give a big shout out to our school leaders for their organisation and running of the assembly. It is a huge responsibility and the students have taken on all feedback and their ability to manage the whole school on a Friday afternoon is impressive.

The musical performances (thank you Paul) have also been entertaining and the class performances highlight the growth in our students’ literacy and confidence when addressing an audience. Well done to all!


Parents, Volunteers and all supporters of WPS


 A big thank you for your tireless work and your continual support. Parents are kept busy on Tuesday and Fridays with “cheese toasties” on Tuesdays and “hot chocolate” on Fridays. We also can’t forget our famous end of term cake stall @ 2.30 on the last day of Term and our BBQ (Wednesday 26th).

This along with the great fund raising initiative of “Market Day” could not go ahead without your hard work, dedication and great organisation.




Term 3 welcomes back Ben Eretz who will be working with Kath Gratz in Grade 3 while Stephen enjoys his Long Service Leave. We will all miss Stephen greatly, at WPS we know he truly deserves an enjoyable break and I know he will keep in touch with us and let us know all about his adventures.

Once again thank you to all our staff. Wishing each one of you an enjoyable, healthy break, recharge and get ready to have a wonderful Term 3.




Assembly Friday 28th June @ 9.15

Early dismissal Friday 28th June @ 2.30

Cake stall @ 2.30


Term 3

July 15th is a Pupil Free Day for teacher planning.


Thank you to all members of our community for a fabulous Term 2. Have a restful, healthy break. Be safe and I look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.


Simone Radolnik

Assistant Principal