Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News
Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. As students complete a book, they are to record the author, title and date of finishing in their Reader’s Workshop book. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.
Mathematics: We are using both the method of knowing the skip counting pattern (multiples) and then also practising the times table itself. This week we have been learning 9x multiples. Next week we will be practising 11x multiples.
A note from Mrs Bishop: A flyer has been sent home with students about the AFL MAX overnight camp. This is only for students who want to go and is an additional cost of $170. Please think about whether your child would like to participate. Please let Mrs Bishop know if you are interested by putting a note in the class office tray.
Premier’s Reading Challenge: Please check in with your child to see how they are going with recording the books they have read this year. Please initial next to the books they have recorded before they hand it in.
Current and Upcoming Learning
Unit Of Inquiry: Students have been asked to choose a problem or issue and design an invention or solution for it. This task has been outlined on Toddle. Students will be completing the design and explanation but can choose whether they want to make a prototype. The prototype is not a required part of the task. The due date is Friday, June 14th (Tomorrow).
Literacy: Students are continuing to focus on writing in paragraphs. We are discussing how authors make decisions about where paragraphs are needed to bring greater meaning to their writing.
Mathematics: We are practising the 9x multiples and will be moving onto 11x multiples next week. There are some great patterns and tricks in the 9x and 11x multiples! This week, students are looking at statistics and graphs. This week we have started looking at probability and the chance of things happening.
Other Announcements
Japanese visit: Please email Bishop Sensei ( if you are interested in having 1 or 2 Japanese students come and stay with you the first week back after school holidays.
GLOW WEEK is fast approaching! It will be held in Week 9, June 24th – 28th and we are looking forward to a special week in which students will be able to spend time each day taking part in a special activity of their choice. A reminder that students and parents are invited to celebrate the weeks work on Friday afternoon. We are on the hunt for donations to help make the week a success. We would love donations of:
Cardboard boxes – all sizes
Cake decorating items (piping bags / tools etc)
Sand paper
Sample paint pots with some paint you are no longer using!
Embroidery hoops (just to borrow for the week – we are looking for about 6).
Please drop any donations into the office any time between now and the end of the term.
Thank you!
The GLOW team
Yours sincerely,
Luke Napier
Lauren Neumann
Jayne Zadow