Year 2/3

Year 2/3 Cluster News
Home Inquiry
High Frequency Words: We are currently re-testing these at school. Stay tuned for an updated list to be sent home for practising. If a list is not sent home, it means that your child knows the first 300 Oxford words.
Reading: Aim to read 15 minutes at home per night.
Inquiry: N/A this week due to Celebration of Learning on Thursday.
Learning this week:
Literacy: Jolly Spelling: no Jolly Spelling this week as we prepare for Celebration of Learning.
Writer’s & Reader’s Workshop: We will finish exploring reading and writing poetry this week. We will be focusing on reading poetry aloud and adjusting our tone for effect. We will also be looking to use rhyming words and poetic devices in our writing. We will introduce students to the structure of a limerick.
Mathematics: We will be exploring chance and probability this week. We will complete simple repeated chance experiments and collate the data collected, looking for patterns.
Unit of Inquiry: We will finish our Unit of Inquiry: How the World Works, with a focus on Patterns. The central idea is: ‘Patterns in the world around us help us to make informed decisions.’ This unit of inquiry will be our Celebration of Learning Unit.
Year 2 Excursion Planetarium – The Year 2s will travel to the planetarium on Tuesday Week 8 (18th June) as part of their science learning this year. The Year 3s will remain at school and join the Year 3/4 classes while we are at the planetarium. A consent form will be sent home. Please return it so that your child can attend.
Premier’s Reading Challenge – Please keep reading books at home to help your children to fill in their PRC lists. We will also be completing books as a class to help as well.
Premiers Be Active Challenge: Students can join us as we complete the challenge as a class or individually track and record their physical activities over a four–week period. We will likely do this as a class at the beginning of Term 3.
Year 2/3 Celebration of Learning
Later this term we will be holding our classes Celebration of Learning. The evening will be a celebration of all the learning undertaken throughout our current unit of inquiry focusing on Patterns. Usually, there is a performance aspect at the start, followed by a time for parents and children to discuss and share in the learning that has been completed.
Please save the date: Thursday 20th June, Week 8, in your diary with more information to come.
Invitations will be sent home within the next week.
Glow Week
Dear Parents and Families,
If you do not do 10c recycling but have cans and bottles at home that go in the normal recycling, we would love to collect these for Glow Week. There are bags out the front of the maintenance shed to deposit these into, otherwise please put them in the wire bins in the courtyard.
Kind regards,
The GLOW Week Team.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Brodie Trezona
Year 2/3 Teacher