From the School Leadership Team

P & F Quiz Night
A reminder that our P & F Quiz Night is coming up on Saturday 22 June. This is a great occasion to get some friends together and to enjoy our Golden Grove Lutheran community! Our P & F have worked really hard to put the evening together and we will all have a lot of fun dressing up as heroes and villains.
If you are new to the school, please be reassured we are a very welcoming group and would love to see you there - the Quiz Nights are always great evenings!
There are some great prizes on offer, and a wonderful time is sure to be had by all - be quick to book your tickets as this is one of the marquee events on the school calendar!
We hope you have had some excited talk in your house about GLOW Week coming up in Week 9 (Monday 24 June - Friday 28 June). GLOW stands for Growing, Learning, Owning and Wondering!
We will be putting aside the whole of the week to give students the opportunity to do a 'deep dive' into a hands-on area that they are interested in. This will include activities including fishing and survival skills, knitting, gymnastic, drama, cake decorating etc.
On Thursday, students will get to nominate their top 6 choices and be allocated one that they will get to do for the whole week. The groups will be small (around 6-10 students).
We would love your help to have a discussion with your child about choosing an area of interest rather than just what their friends are choosing. Please help them to be aware that they will probably be in a group with people other than their friends. This is a great opportunity to connect with others in the school with similar interests and build cross cluster and year level connections. We will also be having conversations around this at school and appreciate your help in reinforcing the message. Looking forward to an exciting week of Growing, Learning, Owning and Wondering!
Colour Run
It was exciting to enjoy our School Colour Run on Friday, 7 June, 2024. As always the day proved to be an exciting, colourful and uplifting day, and the children enjoyed lots of fresh air, exercise, and time with their friends! Thank you to our school community for your generosity towards the day, as we raised $753 towards various landscaping projects around the school.
Colin Buchanan Concert
We are super excited to announce that the renowned children's Christian entertainer, Clin Buchanan, will give a concert in our Worship Centre on Saturday 15 June at 3.00pm. Lots of us would know some of Colin's songs including 'Remember the Lord' and '10,9,8, God is Great!'. This is a joint effort between the school and the church and we are pleased to be able to partner in this on the back of successes that we've enjoyed with Messy Church and many other initiatives.
To purchase tickets you can either click on the QR code below or visit the following website
Futsal and Soccer
Congratulations to our Futsal team who made the semi finals this week - good luck boys!
Well done to our 3/4 and 5/6 boys and girls soccer teams who competed in the SACSA Gala Days on Tuesday and Wednesday this week!
Woolworths Landcare Grant
We are excited to announce that we have received a Woolworths Landcare Grant of $1000 to help restore our vegetable garden near the new Foundation classrooms. We are excited about the opportunity to grow fresh produce and for students to enjoy learning about the plant life cycle and helping to plant, nurture and harvest our crops. They will prove to be delicious for cooking and a valuable resource as we look to grow our service learning programme by looking to partner with local organisations to help support the homeless in our area.
A few reminders
Please be reminded of some of our key events to commence the term.
- Saturday 15 June - Colin Buchanan Concert
- Saturday 22 June - P & F Quiz Night
- Monday 24 June - Friday 28 June - GLOW Week
- Friday 28 June - Closing Service 8.50am
- Friday 28 June - GLOW Week Presentations - 2.00pm
Will Wallace
How is your child progressing? How do you know?
These are important questions to ask as parents and caregivers and important questions for us to consider as a school, so that you fully understand your child’s progress. We aim to involve you in your child’s learning journey and do this through communicating and showing student work
- in Toddle
- Teacher/Parent Interviews
- Celebrations of Learning/Exhibition for Year 6
- An end of semester progress report
As was instigated last year, progress reports they will be viewed through Toddle and sent out electronically on Friday next week. Parents can contact the office to request a hard copy if needed.
Using Toddle as an online portfolio, enables parents and care-givers to:
- View student work
- To see results of student’s self, peer and teacher assessments that show how children are progressing against the achievement standards and building knowledge and understanding in units of inquiry.
- To understand what learning tasks require of children
- To know what students are doing well and where there is opportunity for growth.
The Semester One Progress Reports offer a teacher’s on-balanced judgement of how a child’s learning against the year level achievement standards. We include these achievement standards in our report, to reflect on what a student knows, understands and can do. An on-balanced judgement is used because classes have been learning from the achievement standard content but have not completed all the learning that is required by the end of the year. Teachers address parts of the achievement standard as they are planning learning. If a student is assessed as being ‘competent’, it means that they are right where they should be. They are meeting their year level standard.
Parents can contact teachers with any questions related to progress reports. We pray that they will provide an overview of how your child’s learning is progressing and identify challenges and future areas of growth.
Jayne Zadow
Director of Teaching and Learning, PYP