From the Office

Please contact the school office on 6423 1373 if you require any clarification.

Honouring Mel Sargison

Dear DCS Community


As we enter into the last week of Mel's time with us here at DCS, we would love to invite you to honour Mel and the impact she has had on our DCS families and students.


You are invited to write a message for Mel, and we will then add these to staff messages we are gathering in our staffroom. Mel will be able to take these with her when she leaves, as a wonderful reminder of the impact she has had at DCS.


If you would like to write a message, just pop into the office anytime this week and we will have available cards and pens that you can use.

School Photos Update

We are wanting to provide our school families with an update in regard to our school photos that were taken in Term One.


We have been in contact with the school photographers on numerous occasions to follow up the photos. Photos had been printed by the lab and received by the photographers when an issue with the print quality was discovered. Our school photographers were unhappy with the quality of the print, and have requested that all the photos be reprinted.


We apologise for the delay in receiving your precious images, we understand how eager you must be to see them!  The printing lab is placing top priority on our photos and we hope to now receive them in the next 1-2 weeks.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher interviews will be held in Term 3 on Tuesday 30th July and Wednesday 31st July for both Primary and Secondary.  Bookings through the Parent Lounge will open on Monday 1st July from 8am.  Please have a look at this exciting new feature once it becomes available!


Primary interviews will be held in both the Jiloa Centre and Alpha HQ (STEM Centre), and the Secondary interviews will be held in the Secondary classrooms.  Please note, for secondary families wishing to see Jack Harvey, he will be meeting with parents in the Jiloa Centre.


All class teachers will be available for you to speak with, including our specialist teachers.


If you would like to make an appointment to discuss any aspect of your child's learning, please click here to book your times through Parent Lounge. We recommend booking early as spaces fill fast.  When booking, particularly for families wanting both secondary and primary appointments, please ensure to allow enough time between appointments to meet with staff in different buildings.


If logging in to Parent Lounge for the first time, please use the unique user code that was emailed to all families on 17th April and use the 'Forgot Password' option to set your own unique password. If you then save this in your browser you will be able to simply log in again in the future.


Once you have logged in, please take the time to click around to explore what is available in Parent Lounge. Not only can you book Parent Teacher Interview times, but you can record student absences as well as check that all of the information listed under Parent Details and Student Details is correct. This includes address, MCEECDYA Details, student emergency contact details, student medical information and church attending.


If you have any queries or need assistance to login, please contact the school on 6423 1373 or email


Mid-year reports will be sent home with students at the beginning of Term Three.

Winter Solstice Splash

The Winter Solstice Splash is back for 2024 and some of the DCS Team are participating! 


The DCS Team, Emporer Penguins, consists of 14 staff members who are taking an icy cold 3-minute dip to help raise much-needed funds to help Devonport Chaplaincy provide school breakfast programs, learner-driver mentoring, student mentoring, mental health first aid training, emergency food hampers and school chaplains.


At DCS we are truly blessed by our partnership with Devonport Chaplaincy and see the outpouring of their work each day as they help us to provide Breakfast Club, Chaplaincy services and food packages.


If you would like to help fundraise by sponsoring our team or an individual team member, click on the following link:


Become a DCS Legacy Partner

The early pioneers of DCS committed to the school in prayer, partnership and finance to help get the school up and running and this year we celebrate 32 years of Devonport Christian School.


Today, we have a new opportunity to be the 'builders' of the new DCS Secondary Year 9 and 10 Centre, partnering together as we continue the next steps at Devonport Christian School.


Please prayfully consider donations to the DCS Capital Building Fund. Donations $2 and above are tax deductible when made directly to the school. Please contact our CFO Ken Clarke ( if you would like to make a donation, or would like any further information.

High School Musical Jr. Canteen

Some of our Secondary students who holding a special High School Musical Jr. themed canteen on Thursday 27th June for recess and lunch and Friday 28th June for recess only.


Items available and prices are listed below - please note cash sales only.  Please support our Secondary students and this great initiative!

High School Musical Jr

Devonport Christian School would like to introduce you to their Secondary school production for 2024, High School Musical Jr.


This production will be performed in our JILOA Centre at Devonport Christian School. These performances will be events to remember for our students and staff, and we look forward to seeing you there.


Evening Shows:

Wednesday 3rd July - 7:00pm

Thursday 4th July - 7:00pm


Tickets are now on sale using our online booking system.


 Click HERE to order tickets. 


All tickets have been discounted to the concession price of $22 per seat. Please indicate on the order form which show you wish to purchase tickets for. This form will be the only way tickets can be purchased, but does not guarantee ticket availability. Payments will be processed from Monday 3rd June and you will receive an email confirming your ticket order once payment has been processed. 


At this stage we are allowing families to purchase up to 4 tickets. Should there be additional tickets still available, we will inform DCS families on Monday 17th June.


Numbered seats will be allocated and tickets must be collected from the school office, if parents are unable to collect the tickets personally, please indicate on the form to allow for tickets to be sent home with students.

Important Notice from Kinetic

Early Learning

At DCS we offer two fun and friendly Early Learning programmes.  Come along and connect with others over a delicious hot drink while your children play.  Please call the school office on 6423 1373 if you require further information.


Little Sprouts

Little Sprouts is a hands-on nature-based playgroup for children aged 3 and 4 years and is held every Thursday from 8:45am - 10:30am, during school terms. Gather together in the Kinder room and we will then move across to the garden area.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email Lauren at

Jiloa Juniors

Jiloa Juniors is held every Friday from 8:45am - 10:45am, during school terms, and is for children from birth to 5 years with their carers. Jiloa Juniors is held in the Kinder area.

We hope you can join us!