What's Happening In Secondary

News and Information from Secondary


Our Year 7 and Year 8 English program features structured, explicit instruction with lots of deliberate practice and daily review. If you know a Secondary English student, ask them to tell you about simple, compound and complex sentences! 


We are always working to build background knowledge and our confidence in reading, analysing ideas and spelling. Year 7 students work hard to write formal, analytical sentences, and these sentences build into essay paragraphs as seen in the Year 8 examples below.


Learning to read and write academically with excellent spelling and punctuation is a major focus in Year 7 and 8 and we are so impressed with the progress our students are making. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher interviews will be held in Term 3 on Tuesday 30th July and Wednesday 31st July for both Primary and Secondary.  Bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews can now be done through Parent Lounge and will be open for bookings from 8:00am Monday 1st July.  Please have a look at this exciting new feature once it opens up!


Primary interviews will be held in both the Jiloa Centre and Alpha HQ (STEM Centre), and the Secondary interviews will be held in the Secondary classrooms.  Please note, for secondary families wishing to see Jack Harvey, he will be meeting with parents in the Jiloa Centre.


All class teachers will be available for you to speak with, including our specialist teachers.


If you would like to make an appointment to discuss any aspect of your child's learning, please click here to book your times through Parent Lounge. We recommend booking early as spaces fill fast.  When booking, particularly for families wanting both secondary and primary appointments, please ensure to allow enough time between appointments to meet with staff in different buildings.


If logging in to Parent Lounge for the first time, please use the unique user code that was emailed to all families on 17th April and use the 'Forgot Password' option to set your own unique password. If you then save this in your browser you will be able to simply log in again in the future.


Once you have logged in, please take the time to click around to explore what is available in Parent Lounge. Not only can you book Parent Teacher Interview times, but you can record student absences as well as check that all of the information listed under Parent Details and Student Details is correct. This includes address, MCEECDYA Details, student emergency contact details, student medical information and church attending.


If you have any queries or need assistance to login, please contact the school on 6423 1373 or email reception@dcs.tas.edu.au


Mid-year reports will be sent home with students at the beginning of Term Three.

High School Musical Jr. Canteen

Some of our Secondary students who holding a special High School Musical Jr. themed canteen on Thursday 27th June for recess and lunch and Friday 28th June for recess only.


Items available and prices are listed below - please note cash sales only.  Please support our Secondary students and this great initiative!

Founder's Day

Are you a past student, staff member, Founder or Legacy partner of DCS? We are forever grateful for all the people who have helped to build DCS over the years into the growing, thriving school it is today, and we want to honour and celebrate you!


Our Founder’s Day is a time to reminisce, share memories and celebrate, not only our Founders, but all of the past students and families who have called DCS ‘home’ over the last 32 years, and the current Legacy partners who are working with us as we progress our vision into the Secondary years.


If you have been involved at DCS as a Founder, past parent, staff member or student, are a current DCS family or are involved as a Legacy partner, we would love for you to join us for our Founder’s Day, Thursday 20th June.


Please rsvp to admin@dcs.tas.edu.au

High School Musical Jr

Devonport Christian School would like to introduce you to their Secondary school production for 2024, High School Musical Jr.


This production will be performed in our JILOA Centre at Devonport Christian School. These performances will be events to remember for our students and staff, and we look forward to seeing you there.


Evening Shows:

Wednesday 3rd July - 7:00pm

Thursday 4th July - 7:00pm


Tickets are now on sale using our online booking system.


 Click HERE to order tickets. 


All tickets have been discounted to the concession price of $22 per seat. Please indicate on the order form which show you wish to purchase tickets for. This form will be the only way tickets can be purchased, but does not guarantee ticket availability. Payments will be processed from Monday 3rd June and you will receive an email confirming your ticket order once payment has been processed. 


At this stage we are allowing families to purchase up to 4 tickets. Should there be additional tickets still available, we will inform DCS families on Monday 17th June.


Numbered seats will be allocated and tickets must be collected from the school office, if parents are unable to collect the tickets personally, please indicate on the form to allow for tickets to be sent home with students.

Upcoming Events:

Thur 20th June9.30amFounders Celebration and Morning Tea
  Lunch available to purchase from Don Shop
Fri 21st June9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Thur 27th June High School Musical Jr canteen
Fri 28th June9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
  High School Musical Jr canteen
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Wed 3rd July7.00pmSecondary Production: High School Musical
Thur 4th July Lunch available to purchase from Don Shop
 7.00pmSecondary Production: High School Musical
Fri 5th July Last day Term 2
 8.30amPrimary Assembly
 9.00amSecondary 'Our Gathering' Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer

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