Principal's Report

with Mr Christopher Cotching

As we come to the end of a very rewarding and engaging school term, we can look forward to all manner of matters occurring in the school and its facilities. 


Access to the school grounds will no longer be possible during the student breaks. This is due in part to Child Safe matters in relation to a Student Break Program running and a number of building contractors working in and around the school. We are expecting considerable works to be undertaken to the School Hall and School Library. In the case of the School Hall, we will have worn panelling replaced on the western wall and related carpentry undertaken, and the area painted. Additionally, there will be repairs to the fixtures and ceiling. Similarly, the Library area will be painted and during the first week of Term 3, the carpets replaced. This follows from weeks of work and planning by a number of contractors and volunteers assisting in the school Library.


Formal Opening Ceremony of the New Facilities – Chatham Primary School – Tuesday 25th June 2024

It was with enormous surprise that I was contacted by Senior Officers of the Department of Education to indicate that the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, the Hon. Ben Carroll wanted to visit our school and meet with me.


The purpose was initially to engage in discussions over matters that I had raised over the last six months, with very senior officers of the Department of Education about matters pertinent to our school and others for the future.


Coincidently, the Minister’s Office realised that a visit was also in order to open and celebrate the new facilities. As a result, Senior Officers from the Department of Education, the Victorian School Building Authority, Prime Build Pty Ltd and Williamsboag Pty Ltd were in attendance. Our students spoke impeccably about what the new facilities meant to them and our community, and our Year 5 & 6 students did us proud.


The Minister toured the facilities along with others and was inspired by the confidence, presentation and accomplished skills of our students and work of our staff. Our students spoke so well and gave the following presentations:


What was lifelike at our school prior to the upgraded spaces being built?

We thought that before the constructions, the buildings in our school felt a bit outdated and run down. The windows did not close properly sometimes and there was not proper heating or cooling in some areas. On windy days, the cold wind blew through the corridors and the school was freezing. It was also not as easy as it is now to collaborate with other classes and students. There was not space in the older classrooms to do this. The colours were also quite dull and monotone. This made us feel bored and low spirited.


 (William Small)

What sort of improvements has this space made to the school compared to what was there previously?

The Sick Bay is much better now! It is easier for students to feel comfortable and calm. It used to be small and not as welcoming, but now it is cozy and feels like home. We have proper cabinetry to store our medical supplies and equipment. Some students even like to hang out there just because it is so comfortable.


In the Art Room, there is lots of room to show off our art, and it is super comfy and bright. The tables are great too. The architects and builders took the faults from the previous Art Room and made it work even better. Our new Visual Arts Centre is laid out really well and we have a special room for our kiln, so our students are safe. 


(Jacqueline Tseng)

Our Year 5 & 6 area has more space and it's colourful, with an open-plan arrangement. It brings us together more with a sense of teamwork and belonging. The furniture is colourful, comfortable and funky. It is nice and open with good places to work together. The soundproofing is really great. The area is brighter now and makes us feel happier and more joyful.


Our old toilets were dark, smelly with often blocked plumbing and were disgusting. Our new toilets are brighter, cleaner, and more functional. They encourage us all to care for them at all times. 


(Callaghan Lynch)

Lastly let us tell you about the other facilities. Our School Office area is:

  • Vibrant and bright
  • The entry area is welcoming and you can view our lovely honour boards and artwork.
  • It is ergonomic. Desk heights and reception counters are suitable for children, adults and those with disabilities
  • There is added security and safety for all
  • There is more storage
  • Our grandparents can now use the lift to visit us on Grandparents’ Day
  • There are meeting rooms and a bright Conference Room.
  • The new Staffroom is spacious with bright natural light and is very comfortable. It has lots of windows to look over our wonderful school.

Having this facility generates more interest in our school and has created a modern functional space for future years for students, staff, parents and visitors. 


(Mira Hunt)

We would just like to thank the Minister for Education on behalf of our school community for making these funds available and these improvements possible. We also thank you for making your time available today to celebrate with us.


(Jacqueline Tseng)

The following is a reflection from our School Council President, Mr Dan Heath:

Today (Tuesday 25th June) I had the privilege to attend the official opening of the new school buildings, which was attended by various government officials and our Year 5 and 6 students and staff.


The buildings were officially opened by the Minister for Education, The Honourable Ben Carroll. It was wonderful to hear our School Captains and Vice-Captains speak so eloquently and positively about the school and their experiences at Chatham Primary School. Thanks to Chris and Georgie for all of the work that has gone in over the past few years to get the school building project to completion and we look forward to the next phase at Chatham.


Dan Heath

President, Chatham Primary School Council

Year 5 & 6 Speaking Competition for Kew

On Monday we were delighted to be joined by the State Member for Kew, and Opposition spokesperson for Education, Ms Jess Wilson. Many parents and extended family members also attended to celebrate the exceptional speeches of our ten students from Years 5 & 6. These students are to be congratulated for the way in which they deeply researched their topic, gained command of their content and used all manner of verbal and non-verbal communication skills in their deliveries. The following were the erudite and inspiring topics of our students:

Jacqueline Tseng – Year 6

Why we should make health care more accessible

Natalie Chan – Year 6

Why graffiti is a problem

Abhya Gupta – Year 6

Gender inequality

Jeremy Yoong – Year 6

Urban sprawl

Elizabeth Martinelli – Year 6

Improving our parks

Mira Hunt – Year 6

Getting rid of plastic

Madeleine McEwan – Year 5

The cost of living

Ella Egan – Year 5

Equal access to sporting facilities

Banjo James – Year 5

Heritage overlay laws

Jessica Stambe – Year 5

Why we should add more exercise equipment to parks

In the coming days, the State Member for Kew will have the difficult decision of determining the Chatham overall winner and runners-up for the next level of competition.

Cyber Safety at Chatham Primary School

This continues to be a major issue for all schools and many parents will have seen the media reports generated as a result of recent incidents in some of Melbourne’s Independent Schools.


At Chatham we take this matter seriously and within our resources, resolve and dedication, are doing all manner of things to ensure the Cyber Safety of all students. Together with my staff I have spent an inordinate amount of time on this matter over the last two weeks, as schools everywhere endeavour to grapple with the potential challenges involved. This has involved visitations and access to very senior Department of Education IT personnel and related technicians. The use by the Department of Education of the ZScaler technology is really at the cutting edge of developments and safety in this area.


Some of these developments from Term 3 involve the following:

  • Kiddle a Google based product and ‘Visual Search Engine for Kids’ will be used on all iPad and laptops for students at Years Foundation to Year 4 as the default arrangement.
  • Google search will remain the default search engine for all students in Years 5 & 6 where indeed teacher led access is being undertaken.
  • iPad and Laptops will only be used for instructional purposes and no students from Foundation to Year 6 will use devices for recreation purposes or access websites not under teacher direction or supervision.
  • All students from Year 3-6 will have individual sign-on arrangements from the beginning of Term 3, 2024.
  • All students are well aware of the consequences of not meeting expectations here. We are confident that they understand what is required and will comply.

Again, it is truly wonderful that Chatham provides all devices for our students. More schools are requiring a ‘Bring your own device’ arrangement which is clearly problematic at a range of levels.


Vacation Care Program 1st July – 12th July 2024 Inclusive

It is now some years since we provided this at our school and we look forward to Their Care providing an enjoyable and engaging program for those attending. Please be aware that this provider will be having access to the Out of School Hours Care venue and on occasions to rooms in the Foundation to Year 2 area. Access to the grounds will only be via the lower Banool Road gate and this will be secured during the day. We expect to have up to seventy students involved in this program on some days.


Launching of the New Victorian Curriculum

On Friday 21st June 2024 the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) announced the publication of the new Victorian Curriculum Foundation to Year 10, Version 2.0. The release of this new Victorian Curriculum will guide all Victorian Schools: Government, Independent and Catholic Schools in the coming months and years. Already our teaching staff have been familiarising themselves with the Mathematics Version 2.0 and English Version 2.0. The new Victorian Curriculum comprises:

  • Six learning areas: The Arts, Health and Physical Education; Humanities, Languages other than English (Chinese, French, Italian and Japanese), and Science and Technologies
  • Four capabilities: Ethical, Critical and Creative, Intercultural, and Personal and Social
  • Three cross-curriculum priorities
  • Three foundational skills (Digital Literacy, Literacy and Numeracy)

Over the remainder of 2024 the teaching staff together with myself and our Assistant Principal will be considering the implementation phasing of this new curriculum and the assessment considerations involved.


I hope that we all are able to experience a change of pace during the coming ‘student break.’ Regardless our school will be a hive of activity as we turn our attention to refurbishing the Library and Hall areas. We look forward to our students returning on Monday 15th July 2024 for another absorbing and challenging term.


Christopher Cotching
