International Student Update

Thursday 27th June 2024

ISP Excursion to Queen Victoria Market & Ten-pin Bowling

This Tuesday  25 June all our international students had  an excursion to Queen Victoria Market followed by the Ten-pin Bowling at Melbourne Central in the afternoon. This is a great opportunity for international students to visit a local attraction and further develop relationships with other students in the program.

Year 11 and Year 12 Formal 

We are so pleased to see that some of our international students attended the Year11 and Year 12 Formals. We thank you, the organisers from our College community; everyone had a wonderful time. Now we just can't wait to share the photos with you all.

ILC Transition and  Semester 2 Headstart

All the students commenced their Semester 2 Headstart in week 10. We are so proud to see that most of the  students settled down quite well and are enjoying the subjects they chose. All of our language centre students successfully graduated from the Intensive English Language Course and moved to the mainstream accordingly. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers who were involved with our ILC: Mr Power, Mr Fisher, Mr Evans, Miss Wong, Ms Robinson, Ms Dizdarevic, Mr Belluzzo, Miss Daly, Ms Ji and finally Ms Podesser, the manager of our ILC. Our ILC would not run smoothly without all your effort, dedication and expertise. 


We are very sorry that we have three students who will transfer to other schools. Renzo will transfer to Lyndale College, John will attend Melbourne Language Centre to continue his Intensive English Course while Mike will change his study pathway to TAFE. We wish  them all the best in their new schools. We would like to give thanks to Renzo, who performed drums for us as a farewell gesture at our PAC. We thank Mr De Luca for giving Renzo extra drum lessons. We also would like to mention our Year 9 local student Declan, thank you so much for helping Renzo with maths in such a friendly way.

Wishing you all a good school break. 


Qun Joan Mao

International Student Coordinator