Zoos Victoria Youth Leaders Program

Zoe McPherson (Year 9 SEAL) applied for, and was selected from student applicants across Victoria, into the Zoos Victoria Youth Leaders Program.
As part of the program, the students looked into Animal experiences and welfare through visits to Melbourne Zoo, Healesville Sanctuary and other important sites for animal and environmental conservation. Youth leaders delved into the plights of endangered species including the Leadbeaters Possum and the importance of Indigenous peoples on conservation.
Students conducted a local area research project and camped out at Polana Camp with other Youth Leaders from around the state, participating in night walks and planning, to share the plight of the Leadbeater's Possum and Helmeted Honeyeaters and sites that assist in the conservation of these species, including Haining Farm.
Zoe presented her research and work conducted as part of this program at her graduation at Melbourne Zoo on 23rd June in front of a room full of teachers, zoo staff, parents and other participants. She spoke confidently and eloquently about the research and plans they had to save and promote Haining Farm to visitors.
Congratulations to Zoe on her graduation and her enthusiasm for the conservation of the flora and fauna native to Australia.
Bryony Lowe
Instructional Coach
Teaching and Learning
Years 7 to 9