STEP Day  

Thursday 13th June, Year 6 students from primary schools across the New England area, got to experience a day in the life of an O'Connor Student.  Year 6 Students from St Joey's shared their experience of the day below:



The first thing we did in sport was fruit bowl. That’s where everyone picks a fruit and if your  fruit is called out, you race your partner back to where you were sitting. After that we did  the chicken dance and it got faster each time. Then we did a quick game of survival tag and  after we were all relaxed we did a line dance and then we were done. 




In HSIE with Mrs Leggett we were detectives and we had to find things out about countries  on a map. We were given Australia and China. We had to write down continents, capitals,  rivers, flags, mountain sites and the population. 




Today in AG I really enjoyed being shown how the feed machine on the tractor works. We  then moved on to see the cow where we were able to brush and pat it. Another exciting thing  was the chooks. We then went over to see the sheep where we learnt how to judge both the  wool and meat. 




In Tech we learnt how their laser machine imprints the O’Connor name and cuts out the bird  shape.  We also  were asked to draw the bird shape freehand. 



Year 6 had a fun day. I saw all my old mates and we had a blast. My favourite part was P.E  because we played survival tag.