Pastoral Academic Care (PAC) 





Wellbeing Element: MEANING + PURPOSE


Character Strength: Hope


Parent Wellbeing: have an Attitude of Gratitude by looking forward to something, appreciating being grateful for the things that make you feel happier, no matter how small, remembering something that made you smile recently, writing down three things that you are thankful for, and sending a hand written note to a person that you’re happy to have in your life. When have you shown an attitude of gratitude this week?


Year 7

As Year 7's reach the halfway point of their first year in secondary school, we take some time to reflect on their achievements so far at O'Connor. New friends have been made. Our students have been learning many new skills across many subjects, be it athletics in PDHPE, working with textiles, cooking in food technology, using a bandsaw and hand tools in wood tech, operating with negative numbers in mathematics and being introduced to algebra, getting their 'Bunsen burner licence' in Science, learning new musical instruments, honing their art skills and pottery skills, analysing themes through poetry and novels, encountering a completely new language in German class, learning all about ancient Egypt and experiencing the Tutankhamun Roadshow museum, learning about faith and various religions around the world. 


Your young people's brains are really being exposed to such a variety of subjects and learning experiences to enhance and develop those neural pathways to help each young person to find their niche and their interests. That's before we mention those extracurricular activities and school cultural activities which they have embraced. We've had a swimming carnival, athletics carnival, cross country, Year 7 camp, Eisteddfod music and drama performances, debating teams, Da Vinci decathlon challenges. Year 7's have had the opportunity to get involved in all of the aforementioned activities, as well as stepping up to represent the school in a wide variety of sports. 


We look forward to Founder's Day, which is the last day of term 2, where our school acknowledges and celebrates it's founders and it's proud traditions and culture. The day will begin with a whole school mass, followed by an early morning tea. We will then have a school concert, where our students get the opportunity to showcase their many talents. The day finishes off with a whole school game of 'capture the flag', where each student represents their house, working together as a team to try to defeat the other teams by capturing their flag. Founder's Day is always a fun filled day to finish off term 2 and mark the halfway point in the school year.


Mr. Shane McCann, 

Leader of Learning, Year 7



Year 8

It's wonderful to think that we have almost made it halfway through the year (5 days to go!). 


To all of year 8 you have worked hard and should be proud of your reports as they are released soon. If they aren’t what you were aiming for, consider everything you do inside the classroom and focus on one thing to improve on next term. This might be to ask more questions, find a good learning partner in the classroom or complete regular homework. But remember your grade does not define who you are, your actions and words do. So use this time in the holidays to rest and recover from another term and come back fresh and ready for term 3. 


If you are going away please make sure you travel safe and if you’re staying close to home enjoy the winter weather. 


Miss Libby Plane,

Leader of Learning, Year 8



Year 9


I was asked by a Year 9 student, “When does school really start to matter?” I took some time reflecting on this question.


The question of when school truly starts to matter is a thought-provoking one, especially as our Year 9 students continue to navigate their educational journey. The truth is, every moment spent in school matters. It's here that academic foundations are laid, critical thinking skills are honed, and lifelong learning habits are formed. This school year we also plays a crucial role in building confidence, resilience, and a sense of purpose. Embrace your strengths, discover your interests, and set ambitious goals.


We encourage our Year 9 students to approach each day with enthusiasm and purpose. Embrace learning, ask questions, and explore interests. Every lesson, assignment, and interaction is a building block for a successful future. 


By making the most of your time now, you are laying a solid foundation for achieving your aspirations.


It sounds easy, but in many cases it is difficult to maintain enthusiasm and concentration as we begin to feel exhausted after a huge term. 


We look forward to a well earned break. This break is an opportunity to recharge our energy and enthusiasm for the upcoming term. 

Mrs Kathryn Czinner

Leader of Learning, Year 9


Year 10

Congratulations to our year 10 students and a fantastic term that they have had! 

Our students should be proud of their growth into young student leaders, I know that I am! 


Stage 6 Subject Selection 2025

Year 10 is rapidly approaching a very exciting stage - subject selections into Stage 6 learning! 

Mr. Chapman led the students through the subject selections process and website. Year 10 are encouraged to speak with the senior students within their vertical PAC classes, their classroom teachers and KLA Leaders about subjects in the HSC years. 



Police Liaison Visit

Our Year 10 students engaged readily and respectfully with Senior Constable Brad Killen who led them through the law and expectations around driving safety and consent. It was a valuable session giving students insights into how to keep safe as well as what the law expects of them. 

Miss Jessica Armfield

Leader of Learning, Year 10


Year 11


Year 11 are in the process of organising their Year 12 Jerseys. Students are reminded to submit their Jersey size and nickname request to Mr Myers.


Mr. Bruce Myers

Leader of Learning, Year 11



Year 12


Recent Events

Student Leaders’ Evening at OCC on Tuesday 11 June

This fantastic event saw our school captains host other student leaders from (SCHOOLS). The event included students participating in activities organised by OCC leaders, eating burritos for dinner and finished the evening with a talk from Armidale Regional Council Mayor Sam Coupland. The evening went off with a BANG and allowed students a great opportunity to form networks with other young aspiring leaders.


Second State of Origin Night

Year 12 students were invited to watch the second State of Origin game at OCC on Wednesday 26 June. Starting off with pizza and soft drinks (or water), we watched some highlights of big hits and best tries of past origin matches and slipped in a bit of Just Dance as well before the game started.

For the few students that supported QLD, the night was awash with cheers for NSW, as they came away victorious at 38 - 18.

It was a fantastic opportunity to relax a bit, forget about assessments (except for the four boys who studied for their Physics assessment) and watch some students get a bit too invested in the game (yes you Big Sam).

I thank Mrs Bell, Mrs Eastlake, Miss Spicer, Mr. Chapman and Mrs Osborne who came along to support this event and Mrs Magann for organising it.



Study Opportunities

With the holidays coming up, I encourage students to grasp all opportunities on offer to participate in study sessions, whether they be in a study group of their own, or those on offer at school (held in the undercroft) during the school holidays - speak to your teachers for more information.

Further to this, Jennifer Watson from the Armidale Town Library has informed me that they will be offering their meeting room from Tuesday October 8th to Friday October 11th. 9:30 – 5pm for HSC Study.

At times, this does include them providing pizzas!

Take advantage of this offer of a quiet study location where you can study individually or as part of a study group.

I also remind students of the Young Life’s study camp (29 Sept - 4 Oct, link), which whilst it does cost $450, would be a different environment and opportunity to study with students from other schools attending. From the Young Life site:

There is a minimum 4 hours compulsory study every morning before lunch, plus optional extra study time later in the afternoon. There are compulsory fun activities to help students unwind and connect with other people complemented by healthy and varied on-site prepared meals.

Tutors are specially chosen for their experience in preparing students for the exams. They will be running joint and individual tutoring sessions throughout the week. We can’t guarantee that we will have tutors for all subjects as it is dependent on their availability, but we will do our best!


Have a well earned break these holidays, utilising the time wisely with a balance of rest, social life, work and study and if you are lucky enough to be heading away from the break, travel safely.


As always, keep Believing, Achieving, Nurturing and Growing!


Mr Luke Andrews

Leader of Learning, Year 12