Assistant Principal  -Curriculum

Mr Stephen Chapman 

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff, and Friends,


We have just entered what I call “Subject Selection Season”.  Over the next term, students in Year 10, Year 9 and Year 8 will choose their subjects/electives for Year 11, Year 10 and Year 9 respectively.  Year 10 have their turn first, followed by Year 9 and Year 8.  Here is a summary of the key dates for each year group.  Year 11 2025 is in Red, Year 10 2025 is in blue and Year 9 2025 is in green.


Subject Selection Key Dates - O’Connor Catholic College


Year 11 2025 - Key dates for Year 10 2024


Term 2 2024   


Week 9 Monday 9 am

  • Assistant Principal Curriculum talks to Year 10 and releases the Google Site.


Week 9 and 10 

  • KLA Leaders of Learning (LOLs) talk to Yr 10 about the subjects.


Term 3 

Week 1 Tuesday

  • Year 11 2025 Parent/Carer Information Evening Monday 23/7/24


Week 1 (after the information night) 

  • Edval Choices released


Week 2 Friday, Aug 2

  • Edval Choices completed (due)


Week 3 and 4

Which subjects will run?  Staff construct lines. Interviews with students with clashes.  For reference, here are the lines for this year's Yr 11. Yr 11 2024 lines  It will be different, depending on Yr 10 2024 choices.


Week 5

Final lines handed out to students.



Year 10 2025 - Key Dates for Year 9 2024


Term 3 Week 4 12/8/24

Assistant Principal  Curriculum talking to all Yr 9 about the site and process + Email out the Site to parents and students


Week 4  

  • KLA Leaders of Learning (LOLs) talk to Yr 9 about the electives.


Week 5 Monday 19/8/24

  • Parent/Carer evening Yr 9 into 10
  • Edval Choices sent out for Yr 9 into 10.  For reference, here are the Yr 10 2024 Lines (Remember, they will be different for 2025)


Week 6 Monday 26/8/24

  • Edval Choices form due for Yr 9 into 10


Year 9 2025 - Key Dates for Year 8 2024


Term 3 Week 7   2/9/24

Assistant Principal  Curriculum talking to all Yr 8 about the site and process + Email out the Site to parents and students


Week 7 

  • KLA Leaders of Learning (LOLs) talk to Yr 8 about the electives.


Week 8 Monday 9/9/24

  • Parent/Carer evening Yr 8 into 9
  • Edval Choices sent out for Yr 8 into 9.  For reference, here are the Yr 9 2024 Lines (Remember, they will be different for 2025)


Week 9 Monday 16/9/24

  • Edval Choices form due for Yr 8 into 9


One of the key messages I want to give is that there are loads of people you can talk to to get advice.  You will see from the above dates that the Leaders of Learning (LOLs) for each Key Learning Area (KLA) will be talking to each year group about the subjects offered in their area.   This has been happening this week for our Year 10 students.  Also, other teachers will give advice, especially if they are a specialist teacher for a subject that is offered.  You are also invited to talk to current and past students who are studying (or have studied) the subject you are interested in.  If you prefer to read through the information yourself, look through the Subject Selection Google Site for each year group.  For example, here is the Google Site for Year 11 2025.  The other two for Year 10 and Year 9 will be completed shortly.  I will share them via email early next term.


Here is another key message.  Not all of the subjects that are offered will be run.  Each subject will only run if enough students choose it.  Also, the lines (the groups of subjects that are on together) are put together to minimise the clashes for students.  This is why the lines vary so much from year to year.  


Finally, students need to choose subjects that are suitable for them.  This is especially relevant for Year 11 where nearly all subjects are free to be chosen by students.  The level of the subject needs to be appropriate.  Not too hard, but not too easy.  Students also need to choose subjects they are interested in.  If you want to read more about this, there is great advice on the NESA website about subject selection.


Good luck, students, with your decision-making.  Feel free to ask me for help.

Yours sincerely,






Warm Regards,


Mr. Stephen Chapman

Assistant Principal - Curriculum




"Never stop learning; for when we stop learning, we stop growing." - Jack Lewman