Principal's Report

Mr Phillip Gibney

Dear Parents and Carers,


Well, Semester 1 is ending, and the students and staff are looking forward to a well-earned winter break. As principal, I look back at our student’s achievements this semester with pride, as there has been much to celebrate within our school community. On the sporting field, in the areas of mathematics and science, the creative and performing arts, community service and the individual achievements by students academically. We are not a big school compared to other secondary schools, yet we have individual students and teams doing themselves, their families and O’Connor proud.


At O’Connor Catholic College, we strive to create a positive and inclusive learning environment where every individual feels valued, cared for and respected. One of the key elements of our college’s mission is RESPECT. The respect we show towards one another, no matter who they may be, is an essential component for a safe, caring and connected school community. As we approach the end of the term, it is important to reinforce the significance of respecting others and the positive impact it has on our school community.

Respect is more than just a word; it is a powerful attitude that shapes our interactions and relationships. When we respect others, we acknowledge their inherent worth, embrace diversity, and create a safe space for everyone to learn and grow. 


Here are a few ways we can actively demonstrate respect in our school community:

Embrace Differences: Our school is a diverse melting pot of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. Let us celebrate and appreciate this diversity by recognising that each person brings unique strengths and experiences to our community. Embrace different perspectives, engage in open dialogue, and learn from one another's differences.

Practise Active Listening: Listening is an essential part of respect. When someone is speaking, give them your full attention. Seek to understand their viewpoint without judgment or interruption. This shows that you value their thoughts and opinions.

Resolve Conflicts Peacefully: Conflicts may arise in any community, but how we address them determines the health of our environment. With open communication, active listening, and empathy conflicts can be resolved. 


Lead by Example: Remember, respect starts with each one of us. As parents, educators, and students, we have the opportunity to lead by example and model respectful behaviour in our daily interactions. Our actions speak louder than words, and by consistently demonstrating respect, we inspire others to do the same.


As we move into the last  week of the school term and we all become tired and little less resilient, let us remember to continue fostering a culture of respect within our school community. By practising respect in our words, actions, and attitudes, we continue to create and be part of an inclusive environment that nurtures the growth and well-being of every individual. Together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of all who walk through our school's doors.


Semester 1 reports for Yr7 to 10 will be open through compass Monday afternoon the 1st July. These reports indicate how well your child or children have been able to engage in their learning, and aspired to be the best they can be, while also recognising their achievements and efforts. Reports are also a good vehicle for parents to open up conversations about what is working well and what areas need attention to make improvements in a student's learning, prior to the start of Term 3 and Parent teacher interviews, which will occur week 2 Term 3.


At the start of the year, I challenged the students to be the best they could be ‘to be successful’ and I asked them to think about this question. How are you going to achieve personal excellence, be successful this year?  The questions I now ask the students as we reach the midpoint of the Year.

  1. How are you going at achieving personal excellence? 
  2. Have you been successful in obtaining your goals? 
  3. What do you need to do or change to showcase the best of you? 

Remember, our students need to take ownership for their learning, set themselves clear goals and work hard to achieve these goals.

Finally, students enjoy the time away from school, come back safe and ready to learn.






Kind Regards,


Mr. Phillip Gibney

Principal, O'Connor Catholic College