In Our Classrooms

ePlatform Digital Library
Through Self Service, students now have instant access to our digital library. There are numerous features to this digital library which set it apart from others. It can be accessed by students at home and outside of school hours. The books can be searched by theme or reading level and are even categorised by whether they are on the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge reading list. Decodable books can also be selected and are categorised in a structured phonics system.
This digital library has the option of a voiceover feature and colourised read-along to help students hear the words phonetically and reinforce the connections between sounds and their written form. Each book can be adjusted by background colour, font style (including the Dyslexie typeface), text size and letter/line spacing to assist struggling readers, whether it be due to Dyslexia, Visual Impairment or any other condition that makes it difficult to access traditional print books.
Your child’s teacher has access to their login details. Let’s make the most of this fantastic resource to encourage our students to spark their love of reading!
National Reconciliation Week
The 27th of May to the 3rd of June was National Reconciliation Week. This year's theme was Now more than ever, which followed National Sorry Day on Sunday the 26th, a date which holds great significance for the Stolen Generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the benefit of all Australians. Teaching and learning about the concept, history and progress of reconciliation can help students, children and staff continue the reconciliation journey.
In Year 2, the students discovered what it means to show respect to the land, sang I Am Australian in both the English and Yamuru language, and explored the importance of the Stolen Generation and Sorry Day. The Year 2 students also contributed to our Sea of Hands, a visual display of each student’s commitment to respecting the land and its citizens.
Year 2 Curiosity
The students enjoyed linking their Curiosity unit, 'Sustaining our Earth's Natural Resources,' and Reconciliation Week. They applied their understanding of some of the sustainable practices of our First Nation's People. Students recognised the importance of understanding and respecting cultural values and practices. They learnt that there is a lot we can learn from Australia's first scientists and the way Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people work with the land and respect the environment. Students explored issues around sustainability and created posters to educate others about the problems and some solutions.