Head of Primary Years' Report

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Hazel Glen College,
As we near closer to the end of the semester, we are taking some time to reflect and evaluate on the work completed so far across the College, as we work towards our annual goals. This year we have focused on improving learning outcomes by implementing our College Instructional Model and creating a positive climate for learning through the focus on positive learning routines. Staff have participated in professional learning workshops and have been implementing the learnings into classroom practice. Students have predictability and structure and routines in place that are consistent across classrooms and with all teachers.
Reconcilation Week
Last week, our College recognised Reconciliation Week. We would like to thank Mr Richardson for leading this for the Primary Years and for his work with staff across the College to recognise this important day and week for our country. One College, Everyone Matters.
It was pleasing to see parents, carers and community members attend a special afternoon tea to meet together and to form important connections for the community. Our College values the importance of strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples.
A sea of hands with messages from our students about how we can show respect to the land and strengthen relationships with others was created and provided us with a space to reflect on the meaning of reconciliation. Thank you Mr Richardson and the Stynes team.
Attitudes to School Survey
Over the past 2 weeks the Year 4-5 students have participated in the 2024 Attitudes to School Survey. This is an annual survey that helps not only the Department identify trends and patterns, but is also used by the school as part of the continuous improvement cycle.
Prep Enrolments
The 2025 prep enrolment process is now in full swing. If you have a sibling enrolment then please visit the office and speak to our wonderful administration ladies about the process. If you have a friend or neighbour who is intending to enrol at our amazing school then please let them know that there is no time like the present!
Primary Years Camp Program Years 3, 4 and 5
The Primary Years Camping Program for 2024 provides students in the Year levels of 3, 4 and 5 the opportunity to attend a camp with their peers and their teachers to focus on developing independence, personal and social capabilities and provides valuable learning opportunities with lots of fun along the way and always great food! The event details are on Compass. Please secure your child's spot on camp as soon as you can by providing consent and payment or arranging a payment plan on Compass so that the final arrangements can be made with the venues for numbers, accommodation and daily programs.
Year 3 Phillip Island: Monday September 9th to Wednesday September 11th
Year 4 Bacchus Marsh: Monday August 12th to Wednesday August 14th
Year 5 Sovereign Hill: Overnight Thursday 22nd August to Friday 23rd August
Andrea Lynch
Acting Head of Primary Years
Hazel Glen College