Principal Report

Mr. Lehane

Thank You!

What a first term it has been for me at Bridgewater on Loddon Primary School! Although it has been very busy and I have had a lot to get my head around I have thoroughly enjoyed the term and am already looking forward to next term.  I am so glad to have already gotten to know each family and am excited to continue to build relationships with the family and community in Bridgewater. 


Thank you to the students and their families who have made me feel so welcome and supported through what has been a significant transition period for the school. I am so pleased with the progress we have made and the direction of the school, there are certainly exciting times ahead. 


I would also like to say a massive thank you to all of the staff at the school who all go above and beyond to ensure the best learning environment for the students.  




The Swimming Program has been a resounding success for our students, who have thoroughly enjoyed their time in the water. Throughout the program, students have grown in confidence and learned essential swimming and survival skills, making it a truly valuable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.



Parent Teacher Interviews 

Parent Teacher Interviews will take place over the first two weeks of Term 3. Bookings will be open from 3.30pm today and will close 24 hours before the interviews. 


Juniors will be held on Wednesday 17th July with Miss Deane and Mr. Lehane. 


Seniors will be held on Wednesday July 24th with Mr. Lehane.


If there are not any suitable times for your family please contact your class teacher and we will be more than happy to make a time that suits you. 

School Athletics


On Wednesday, June 19th, our students participated in the Cluster Athletic Day, competing against students from Inglewood Primary School, St. Mary's Primary School, Lockwood Primary School, and Marong Primary School.


I was incredibly proud of all our students who attended and gave their all in every activity!

A highlight of the day was the relay race, where our students competed several times and even secured a victory in one of the races.


A big thank you to Miss Deane and Ash for their hard work and support throughout the day!

Morning Circle



Miss Deane begins each day with a morning circle that fosters connection and community in the classroom. During this time, students take turns answering a thought-provoking question and sharing their thoughts and experiences. Ash also participates, adding to the inclusive atmosphere. This daily practice not only strengthens relationships among the students but also between the students and their teachers, creating a warm and supportive environment that encourages open communication and mutual respect.



Over the holiday's we have two students celebrating  birthday's. 


Dane will be turning 8 years old on Tuesday 2nd July




Vincentwill be turning 10 years old on Tuesday 9th July. 

What a great way to celebrate the end of term by having students wear their warm, comfy PJ's to school (I know I loved wearing my Essendon PJ's and my Grandpa slippers!) We also enjoyed lot's of yummy food throughout the day and watched a movie!

Chinese Cooking

Last Friday, students had an exciting culinary adventure with Miss Chen, who taught them how to make delicious dumplings. The hands-on experience allowed students to learn about different ingredients and techniques, sparking their interest in cooking and cultural cuisine. The highlight of the day, of course, was savoring the tasty dumplings they had crafted with their own hands. It was a memorable and delicious experience that everyone thoroughly enjoyed!

Miss Chen did some Chinese cooking with the students.
Miss Chen did some Chinese cooking with the students.
Students paying close attention to how the dumplings are made.
Students paying close attention to how the dumplings are made.
At first Fred didn't want to try the dumplings but once he did he was a big fan!
At first Fred didn't want to try the dumplings but once he did he was a big fan!