Student of the Week Awards
Friday 7th Junes 2024
Class | ||
FJ | Elisia In recognition of the positive attitude she has towards all areas of her schooling. Elisia loves to learn and approaches all tasks with an open mind and a big smile. Fantastic, Elisia!!
| Oscar In recognition of the wonderful sentence he wrote about a giraffe who can read. Oscar wrote down the sounds he could hear in words, used finger spaces and ended his sentence with a full stop. Well done, Oscar!! |
FL | Kylan In recognition of your outstanding sentence about ‘giraffes’ that you thought of independently. You used punctuation including a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces. Well done!
| Zoe In recognition of your wonderful rainbow fish colouring connected to our learning about ‘how to be a good friend’. You display the qualities of being a good friend every day and seek to support others in need. Great job Zoe! |
FN | Lydia In recognition of always trying her best in any learning task she does. Lydia approaches everything with a positive mindset and a smile on her face! | Zaid In recognition of making responsible choices when transitioning between classes. Zaid was respectful of other students when he entered the classroom and was ready to begin learning. |
1KR | Patrick In recognition of the amazing learning and thinking you have demonstrated in the classroom. The way you approach solving tricky problems and explaining your thinking makes you a fabulous role model. You do blow our socks off! | Yen In recognition of the kindness and care you show all your friends in class. You light up our class with your big heart and positive attitude. |
1L | Nhien In recognition of settling well into 1L and doing an amazing job of forming grammatically correct sentences in writing. Well done Nhien! | Thomas In recognition of an interesting plot for his story on the Praying Mantis and taking on feedback to improve his writing. |
1GW | Alex In recognition of an outstanding report about butterflies! We are very proud of your efforts in using details and diagrams in your writing. | Ellie In recognition of all her hard work in naming fractions, using the symbol, language and models. Well done Ellie! |
2JR | Leila In recognition of doing a great job researching information, writing down key words, and creating an information report on Ladybugs. Well done Leila! You did a great job! | Lilia In recognition of the respect and responsibility she shows towards her teacher and classmates every single day. Lilia treats others with kindness and always makes good choices. Well done, Lilia! |
2G | Karen In recognition of her hard work during our shapes unit in maths. You did an extra great job at drawing and labelling shapes on the computer, well done Karen! | Jayne In recognition of continuously upholding the school values and being a responsible member of a class. We can always count on you, Jayne!
2S | Emma In recognition of your continual hard work in all subjects. You are always focussed on your learning and trying your best. | Tyler Gilson In recognition of your skills in reading. Your reading has improved and your have developed effective skills at understanding the text. Keep it up - as the more you read, the better your reading will be. |
3HB | Ryle In recognition of Ryle’s responsible and helpful behaviour in the classroom, particularly with his teachers. We are so impressed with Ryle’s willingness and thoughtfulness and he is a wonderful addition to our class. Terrific work, Ryle! | Alice In recognition of Alice’s kind and caring nature towards her fellow students. Alice gets along with everyone in our classroom and can always be relied upon to show compassion to others. We appreciate all that you do, Alice! |
4Y | Jeremy In recognition of showing responsibility for his own learning and showing remarkable flexibility in adjusting to the changed schedules during the last two weeks. He followed the teacher’s instructions with respect. Keep up the great work, Jeremy!
| Aboo In recognition of showing excellent growth in following multiplication and division processes. Keep up the fantastic focus and attitude, Aboo! |
4W | Jiya In recognition of her thoughtful responses during our reading sessions focusing on thick and thin questioning. You offered some fantastic thick questions for the book ‘Fly Away Home’ showing that you are deeply thinking about the text and its meaning. | Rohan In recognition of his positive attitude and readiness to learn towards Maths. You come to each session with a big smile on your face and a growth mindset ready to tackle new concepts and ask questions.
5YT | Teagan In recognition of her commitment towards fulfilling her learning potential. We commend you on your decision making about how you can achieve your best in class. You are making the most of class time by displaying increased focus, and by making mature decisions about where you choose to sit. Well done and keep it up!
| Haider In recognition of his increasing focus and effort during class time. We have noticed a growing confidence during all lessons and are pleased to see you asking for help when you need it. Well done and keep it up!
5B | Keane In recognition of the responsible way you have cleaned up the school yard this week. You took it upon yourself to pick up rubbish, without even being asked. The school yard is much cleaner because of your efforts. Thank you Keane. | Jessica In recognition of the effort you have put into writing your biography. Your writing included lots of interesting facts about your subject, but it was written in such a way that I could also hear your ‘voice’ throughout. Keep it up Jess! |
6J | Godfrey In recognition of his excellent work when completing his biographical writing. Godfrey used his skills to create a truly entertaining, yet informative and well-written piece. Really great work, Godfrey! | Dilan In recognition of his wonderful analysis of bias found within news articles. Dilan superbly located and explained several sophisticated examples of writers subtly attempting to influence readers. Fantastic work, Dilan! |
6E | Rapha In recognition of his increasing focus and effort during class time. Rapha has been making responsible decisions and is completing tasks to a standard of which he should be proud. Keep up the hard work Rapha!
| Bethany In recognition of her excellent biography writing over the last couple of weeks. Bethany has included interesting details in her piece, whilst also using her own voice to engage the reader. Great work Bethany!
PERFORMING ARTS | Patrick In recognition of the enthusiasm he displayed when composing his Zoo Rhythms in Performing Arts. I liked the way you tried playing them with a variety of percussion instruments. | Jasmine In recognition of the capable way she wrote her musical alphabet words as notes on a stave in Performing Arts, and then confidently played it on a xylophone. |
VISUAL ARTS | Zaid Fahad In recognition of his persistence when completing his robot weaving. Zaid listened carefully and did his best, even when the weaving became tricky. Well done, Zaid! | Zoe, Cynthia, Miranda and Claire In recognition of the effort they put into making their foil prints. They listened carefully to the instructions and kept the designs simple. The final prints look amazing. Excellent work! |
PE | Charlie In recognition of the wonderful improvement in your attitude toward PE. Well done, Charlie. Keep up the great work! | Daniel 6 E In recognition of the wonderful attitude and enthusiasm you display each week in PE. Congratulations, Daniel. Keep up the great work |
STEM | Chace 3HB In recognition of his amazing effort in STEM last week. Chace did a fantastic job of his annotated diagrams. His diagrams explained why different gloves are made from different materials. Well Done Chace! | Bolen 3HB In recognition of his amazing effort in STEM last week. Bolen did a fantastic job of his annotated diagrams. His diagrams explained why different gloves are made from different materials. Well Done Bolen! |
Specialist Trophy: 1 GW |